Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Maha Shivaratri*महाशिवरात्रि*The Great Night of Shiva

 Maha Shivaratri*महाशिवरात्रि*The Great Night of Shiva

Mahashivaratri Festival is celebrated with devotion and religious fervor on the moonless 14th night of the new moon in the Hindu month of Phalgun. Devotees observe fast all through the day and night of Shivaratri in honor of Lord Shiva and pay a visit to Shiva temples. Ritual bath of Shiva Lingam with milk, water, honey etc is also performed by the devotees as a part of the tradition. Many believe that Shivaratri Festival marks the wedding day of Lord Shiva and Parvati. However, according to some legends, it was on the auspicious night of Shivaratri that Lord Shiva performed the ‘Tandava’, the dance of the primal creation, preservation and destruction.


According to the South Indian calendar, Maha Shivaratri is observed on Chaturdashi Tithi during Krishna Paksha in the month of Magha, and in other parts of India, on 13 night/14 day of Krishna Paksha in Phalguna of Hindu calendar, the Gregorian date however remaining the same.


Maha Shivaratri is an annual festival dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, and is particularly important in the Shaivism tradition of Hinduism. Unlike most Hindu festivals which are celebrated during the day, the Maha Shivaratri is celebrated at night. Furthermore, unlike most Hindu festivals which include expression of cultural revelry, the Maha Shivaratri is a solemn event notable for its introspective focus, fasting, meditation on Shiva, self study, social harmony and an all night vigil at Shiva temples.

The celebration includes maintaining a "jaagaran", an all-night vigil and prayers, because Shaiva Hindus mark this night as "overcoming darkness and ignorance" in one's life and the world through Shiva. Offerings of fruits, leaves, sweets and milk to Shiva are made, some perform all-day fasting with vedic or tantric worship of Shiva, and some perform meditative Yoga. In Shiva temples, "Om Namah Shivaya", the sacred mantra of Shiva, is chanted through the day.


Maha Shivaratri is celebrated over three or ten days based on the Hindu luni-solar calendar. Every lunar month, there is a Shivaratri (12 per year). The main festival is called Maha Shivaratri, or great Shivaratri, which is held on 13th night (waning moon) and 14th day of the month Phalguna.

The Maha Shivaratri is mentioned in several Puranas, particularly the Skanda Purana, Linga Purana and Padma Purana. These medieval era Shaiva texts present different versions associated with this festival, & mention fasting, reverence for icons of Shiva such as theLingam.

Different legends describe the significance of Maha Shivaratri. According to one legend in the Shaivism tradition, this is the night when Shiva performs the heavenly dance of creation, preservation and destruction. The chanting of hymns, the reading of Shiva scriptures and the chorus of devotees joins this cosmic dance and remembers Shiva's presence everywhere. According to another legend, this is the night when Shiva and Parvati got married.


A different legend states that the offering to Shiva icons such as the linga is an annual occasion to get over past sins if any, to restart on a virtuous path and thereby reach Mount Kailasha and liberation.

The significance of dance tradition to this festival has historical roots. The Maha Shivaratri has served as a historic confluence of artists for annual dance festivals at major Hindu temples such as at Konark, Khajuraho, Pattadakal, Modhera and Chidambaram.

This event is called Natyanjali, literally "worship through dance", at the Chidambaram temple which is famous for its sculpture depicting all dance mudras in the ancient Hindu text of performance arts called Natya Shastra. Similarly, at Khajuraho Shiva temples, a major fair and dance festival on Maha Shivaratri, involving Shaiva pilgrims camped over miles around the temple complex, was documented by Alexander Cunningham in 1864.

Maha Shivaratri is considered the day when adiyogi or the first guru awakened his consciousness at the material level of existence. According to Tantra, at this stage of consciousness, no objective experience takes place and the mind is transcended. The meditator transcends time, space and causation. It is regarded as the brightest night of the soul, when the yogi attains the state of Shoonya or Nirvana, the stage succeeding samadhi or illumination.

Devotees, in general, maintain a strict custom of keeping fast the entire day. Firstly, people rise early in the morning, take a bath – often with sesame seeds, and wear traditional clothes. People must not consume even a grain of food. People generally maintain purity and devotion during this peiod. Devotees feel that commitment to the fast will lead to wish fulfillment or blessing from the Lord Shiva. It is suggested in the Hindu mythology that performing vrat on Mahashivratri helps one to achieve power over the two great forces that afflict man – rajas guna (quality of passionate activity) and tamas guna (quality of ignorance). You can break fast after waking up in the morning and taking a bath

Vrat Vidhi
One day before Shivaratri Vratam, most likely on Trayodashi, devotees should eat only one time. On Shivaratri day, after finishing morning rituals devotees should take Sankalp (संकल्प) to observe full day fast on Shivaratri and to take food next day. During Sankalp devotees pledge for self-determination throughout the fasting period and seek blessing of Lord Shiva to finish the fast without any interference. Hindu fasts are strict and people pledge for self-determination and seek God blessing before starting them to finish them successfully.
On Shivaratri day devotees should take second bath in the evening before doing Shiva Puja or visiting temple. Shiva Puja should be done during night and devotees should break the fast next day after taking bath. Devotees should break the fast between sunrise and before the end of Chaturdashi Tithi to get maximum benefit of the Vrat. According to one contradictory opinion devotees should break the fast only when Chaturdashi Tithi gets over. But it is believed that both Shiva Puja and Parana (पारण) i.e. breaking the fast should be done within Chaturdashi Tithi.
According to Indian Mythology, in the midnight of Maha Shivaratri, Lord Shiva was appeared in form of Linga. Shiva Linga was first worshipped by Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. Hence Maha Shivaratri is known as birthday of Lord Shiva and devotees worship Shiva Linga during Shivaratri. Shivaratri Vrat is popular since ancient time. In Hindu Puranas we get references of Shivaratri Vrat. According to scriptures even Goddess Lakshmi, Indrani, Saraswati, Gayatri, Savitri, Sita, Parvati, Rati observed Shivaratri fast.

शिवरात्रि व्रत

ममोपात्त समस्त दुरित क्षयद्वार श्री परमॅश्वर प्रीत्यर्त्तम्

शुभे शोभने मुहूर्ते आद्यब्रह्मणः द्वितीयपरार्धे

श्वेत वराहकल्पे वैवस्वत मन्वँतरे कलियुगे

प्रथमपादे जंबू द्वीपे भारतवर्षे भरतखण्डे

अस्मिन् वर्तमाने व्यवहारिक - नामेन संवत्सरे

उत्तरायने शिशिर ऋतौ कुम्ब मासे

कृष्ण पक्षे चतुर्धश्याम् सुभतितौ - वासर युक्तायाम्

शुभनक्षत्र शुभयोग शुभकरण एवंगुण विशेषण विशिष्टायां

शुभतिथौ शिवरात्रि पुण्यकाले श्री परमेश्वर प्रीत्यर्थं

मम क्षेमस्थैर्य

विजयायुरारोग्यैश्वर्यापि वृद्ध्यर्थं धर्मार्थ

काममोक्ष चतुर्विध फलपुरुषार्थ सिद्ध्यर्थं

इष्ट काम्यार्थ सिद्ध्यर्थं मम समस्त दुरितोप

शान्त्यर्थं समस्त मङ्गळ वाप्त्यर्थं श्री साम्ब सदाशिव

प्रसादेन सकुटुम्बस्य घ्य़ान वैराग्य मोक्ष प्राप्त्यर्त्तम्

वर्षे वर्षे प्रयुक्त शिवरात्रि पुण्यकाले सम्ब परमेश्व पूजाम् करिष्ये



Now do the Kalasha puja.

Meditate on Lord Samba Parameshvara with this shloka:

चन्द्र कॊठि प्रतीकाशं त्रिनेत्रं चन्द्र भूषणम्.ह्

आपिङ्गळ जटजूटं रत्न मौळि विराजितम्.ह्

नीलग्रीवं उताराङ्गं तारहारोप शोभितम्.ह्

वरदाभय हस्तञ्च हरिणञ्च परश्वतम्.ह्

ततानं नाग वलयं केयूराङ्गत मुद्रकम्.ह्

व्याघ्र चर्म परीतानं रत्न सिंहासन स्थितम्.ह्

आगच्च देवदेवेश मर्त्यलोक हितेच्चया

पूजयामि विदानेन प्रसन्नः सुमुखो भव

उमा महेश्वरं द्यायामि आवाहयामि


Do the Prana Pratishta of Lord Shiva and perform a simple puja with dhupadIpam and fruit offering

पादासनं कुरु प्राघ्य़ निर्मलं स्वर्ण निर्मितम्.ह्

भूषितं विवितैः रत्नैः कुरु त्वं पादुकासनम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः रत्नासनं समर्पयामि

गङ्गादि सर्व तीर्थेभ्यः मया प्रार्त्तनयाहृतम्.ह्

तोयम् ऎतत् सुकस्पर्शम् पाद्यार्थम् प्रदिगृह्यताम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः पाद्यं समर्पयामि

गन्धोदकेन पुष्पेण चन्दनेन सुगन्धिना

अर्घ्यं कृहाण देवेश भक्तिं मे ह्यचलां कुरु

उमा महेश्वराय नमः अर्घ्यं समर्पयामि

कर्पूरोशीर सुरभि शीतळं विमलं जलम्.ह्

गङ्गायास्तु समानीतं गृहाणाचमणीयकम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः आचमनीयं समर्पयामि

रसोसि रस्य वर्गेषु सुक रूपोसि शङ्कर

मधुपर्कं जगन्नाथ दास्ये तुभ्यं महेश्वर

उमा महेश्वराय नमः मधुपर्कं समर्पयामि

पयोदधि कृतञ्चैव मधुशर्करया समम्.ह्

पञ्चामृतेन स्नपनं कारये त्वां जगत्पते

उमा महेश्वराय नमः पञ्चामृत स्नानं समर्पयामि

मन्धाकिनियाः समानीतं हेमांबोरुह वासितम्.ह्

स्नानाय ते मया भक्त्या नीरं स्वीकृयतां विभो

उमा महेश्वराय नमः शुद्दोदक स्नानम् समर्पयामि

स्नानानन्तरं आचमनीयं समर्पयामि

वस्त्रं सूक्ष्मं तुकूलेच देवानामपि दुर्लभम्.ह्

गृहाण त्वम् उमाकान्त प्रसन्नो भव सर्वता

उमा महेश्वराय नमः वस्त्रं समर्पयामि

यघ्य़ोपवीतं सहजं ब्रह्मणा निर्मितं पुरा

आयुष्यं भव वर्चस्यं उपवीतं गृहाण भो

उमा महेश्वराय नमः यघ्य़ोपवीतं समर्पयामि

श्रीकण्ठं चन्दनं दिव्यं गन्धाढ्यं सुमनोहरम्.ह्

विलेपनं सुरश्रेष्ट मत्दत्तम् प्रति गृह्यताम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः गन्धं समर्पयामि

क्षदान् चन्द्र वर्णापान् शालेयान् सदिलान् शुभान्

अलञ्करार्थमानीदान् धारयस्य महाप्रभो

उमा महेश्वराय नमः अक्षदान् समर्पयामि

माल्यातीनि सुगन्धीनि मलद्यातीनि वै प्रभो

मयाहृदानि पुष्पाणि पूजार्थं तव शञ्कर

उमा महेश्वराय नमः पुष्पमालां समर्पयामि

अङ्ग पूज

शिवाय नमः पादौ पूजयामि

शर्वाय नमः   कुल्पौ पूजयामि

रुद्राय नमः जानुनी पूजयामि

ईशानाय नमः   जङ्घे पूजयामि

परमात्मने नमः   ऊरू पूजयामि

हराय नमः   जघनं पूजयामि

ईश्वराय नमः गुह्यं पूजयामि

स्वर्ण रेतसे नमः   कटिं पूजयामि

महेश्वराय नमः नाभिं पूजयामि

परमेश्वराय नमः उदरं पूजयामि

स्फटिकाभरणाय नमः   वक्षस्थलं पूजयामि

त्रिपुरहन्त्रे नमः   भाहून् पूजयामि

सर्वास्त्र धारिणे नमः   हस्तान् पूजयामि

नीलकण्ठाय नमः कण्ठं पूजयामि

वाचस्पतये नमः मुखं पूजयामि

त्र्यम्बकाय नमः नेत्राणि पूजयामि

फाल चन्द्राय नमः   ललाटं पूजयामि

गङ्गाधराय नमः   जटामण्डलं पूजयामि

सदाशिवाय नमः   शिरः पूजयामि

सर्वेश्वराय नमः सर्वाण्यङ्गानि पूजयामि

Perform the shivashtottara sata or Sahasra namavali puja.

साम्ब परमेश्वराय नमः नानावित परिमळपत्र

 पुष्पाणि समर्पयामि

  उत्तराङ्ग पूज

वनस्पतिरसोद्भूतः गन्धाढ्यश्च मनोहरः

आग्रेयः सर्वदेवानां धूपोयं प्रतिगृह्यताम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः धूपं आग्रापयामि

साज्यं त्रिवर्त्ति सम्युक्तं वह्निना योजितं मया

दीपं गृहाण देवेश त्रैलोक्य तिमिरापहम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः दीपं दर्शयामि

नैवेद्यं गृह्यतां देव भक्तिं मे ह्यचलां कुरु

शिवेप्सितं वरं देहि परत्र परां गतिम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः महानैवेद्यं समर्पयामि

भूर्भुवस्सुवः तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं भर्गो देवस्य

धीमहि दियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्.ह्

देव सवितः प्रसूव सत्यं त्वर्थेन परिशिञ्चामि


प्राणयस्वाहा अपानायस्वाहा व्यानाय स्वाहा

  उदानाय स्वाहा समानाय स्वाहा

ब्रह्मणे स्वाहा ब्रह्मणि आत्मा अमृतत्वाय


नैवेद्यानन्तरं आचमनीयं समर्पयामि

पूगीफल समायुक्तं नागवल्ली दळैर् युतम्.ह्

कर्पूर चूर्ण संयुक्तं तांबूलं प्रतिगृह्यताम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः कर्पूर तांबूलं समर्पयामि

चक्षुर्तं सर्वलोकानां तिमिरस्य निवारणम्.ह्

आर्दिग्यं कल्पितं भक्त्या गृहाण परमेश्वर

उमा महेश्वराय नमः कर्पूर नीराञ्जनं समर्पयामि

आचमनीयं समर्पयामि

यानिकानिच पापानि जन्मान्तर कृतानि

तानि तानि विनश्यन्ति प्रदक्षिण पते पते

उमा महेश्वराय नमः प्रदक्षिणं समर्पयामि

पुष्पाञ्जलिं प्रदास्यामि गृहाण करुणानिदे

नीलकण्ठ विरूपाक्ष वामार्द गिरिज प्रभो

उमा महेश्वराय नमः पुष्पाञ्जलिं समर्पयामि

मन्त्रपुष्पं स्वर्णपुष्पं समर्पयामि

मन्त्रहीनं क्रियाहीनं भक्तिहीनं सुरेश्वर

यत्पूजितं मया देव परिपूर्णम् ततस्तु ते

वन्दे शम्भुमुमापतिं सुरगुरुं वन्दे जगत्कारणम्.ह्

  वन्दे पन्नगभूषणं मृगधरं वन्दे पशूणाम् पतिम्.ह्

वन्दे सूर्य शशांकवह्नि नयनं वन्दे मुकुन्द प्रियम्.ह्

  वन्दे भक्त जनाश्रयञ्च वरदं वन्दे शिवं शङ्करम्.ह्


नमःशिवाभ्यां नव यौवनाभ्यां

  परस्पराश्लिष्ट वपुर् धराभ्याम्.ह्

नगेन्द्र कन्या वृष केतनाभ्यां

  नमो नमःशङ्कर पार्वतीभ्याम्.ह्


शुक्लाम्बरधरं विश्ःणुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजं

प्रसन्न वदनं द्यायेत् सर्वविग्नोपशान्तये

ममोपात्त समस्त दुरित क्षयद्वार श्री परमेश्वर


मया चरित शिवरात्रि व्रदपूजान्ते क्षीरार्घ्य प्रदानं

उपायदानञ्च करिष्ये

नमो विश्वस्वरूपाय विश्वसृष्ट्यादि कारक

गङ्गाधर नमस्तुभ्यं गृहाणार्घ्यं मयार्पितम्.ह्

उमा महेश्वराय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

नमःशिवाय शान्ताय सर्वपापहरायच

शिवरात्रौ मया दत्तम् गृहाणार्घ्यं प्रसीत मे

उमा महेश्वराय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

दुःख दारिद्र्य पापैश्च दग्तोहं पार्वतीपते

मां त्वं पाहि ,अहाभाहो गृहणार्घ्यं नमोस्तु ते

उमा महेश्वराय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

शिवाय शिवरूपाय भक्तानां शिवदायक

इदमर्घ्यं प्रदास्यामि प्रसन्नो भव सर्वता

उमा महेश्वराय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

अंबिकायै नमस्तुभ्यं नमस्ते देवि पार्वति

अम्बिके वरदे देवि गृह्णीदार्घ्यं प्रसीद मे

पार्वत्यै नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

सुब्रःमण्य महाभग कार्तिकेय सुरेश्वर

इदमर्घ्यं प्रदास्यामि सुप्रीतो वरदो भव

सुब्रह्मण्याय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

चण्डिकेशाय नमः इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं इदमर्घ्यं

अनेन अर्घ्य प्रदानेन भगवान् सर्वदेवात्मकः सपरिवार

संब परमेश्वरः प्रीयताम्.ह्

उपायन दानम्

संबशिव स्वरूपस्य ब्राह्मणस्य इतमासनं अमीते गन्धाः


(Give tambuiam, dakshina etc with the following mantra)

हिरण्यगर्भ गर्भस्तं हेमबीजं विभावसोः

अनन्तपुण्य फलतं अतः शान्तिं प्रयच्च मे

इदमुपायनं सदक्षिणाकं सतांबूलं सांबशिवप्रीतिं काममानः

तुभ्यमहं सम्प्रतते मम


Perform Salutation

समस्त लॊक सुखिनो भवन्तु

  तत्सत् ब्रह्मार्पणमस्तु


According to Shiva Purana, Shiva Linga must be bathed with water, milk and honey. One can apply rose water, yogurt and sandalwood paste. Also, woodapple must be offered to the Lord, as it symbolises purification of the soul. One must apply vermillion paste after bathing the Linga, which symbolises virtue. After that devotees must offer fruit, which denotes longevity and fulfilment of desire. Then, a dhoop and a puja diya is lit to attain wealth and knowledge. However, devotees offer puja according to their beliefs and customs. You can also read the ‘Shiva Chalisa’ and Shiva’s 108 names, followed by the Shiva Aarti. Keep Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati’s idol in front of you while you chant their mantras for blessings. You can spend the entire night by chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaay’ and ‘Maa Parvati’s’ name.
Maha Shivratri is a sacred Hindu festival that is marked by a solemn remembrance of overcoming darkness and obstacles in life and world by way of fasting and meditation. This auspicious occasion is the time when divine powers of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti come together. It is also believed that on this day the Universe evokes the spiritual energies quite easily.

It is an extremely special day for the women who perform the traditional Mahashivratri Puja with water, milk, Bel leaves, fruits such as Ber or jujube fruit and incense sticks. They take 3 or 7 rounds around the Shiva Lingam and then pour milk and offer leaves, fruits, flowers and worship with incense sticks.

There are six significant elements that should be used while performing Mahashivratri Puja and each symbolize a special meaning.


Bathing of Shiva Lingam with water and milk and Bel leaves epitomizes soul purification

Vermillion after the bath is a symbol of Virtue.

Fruits offered while worshipping represent the fulfillment of desires and longevity.

Incense stick burning is a symbol of wealth.

Betel Leaves depict satisfaction from worldly desires.

Lamp lightning epitomizes attainment of wisdom and knowledge.

As the main aspect of this festival is night long vigil of Shiva temple, this is why Jaagrans are organized by the devotees. This is the reason that on the night of Mahashivratri, temples are filled with the chants of ‘Om Namah Shivay’ and men and women sing devotional songs in respect of Lord Shiva.

According to Hinduism, Shivratri is considered auspicious for women. On this day, married women pray for the long lives of their husbands. Unmarried women pray for an ideal husband like Shiva on this day.

The Shivaratri that falls during the month of Shravan is known as Sawan Shivaratri, and as the whole month of Sawan is dedicated to worshipping Shiva, Masa Shivaratri month is considered highly auspicious. However, the most significant one is Maha Shivaratri which falls during February or March. In a year there are usually twelve Shivaratri days.

Sawan Shivaratri is more popular in North Indian states like Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar, and on this day devotees usually observe a full day fast and offer prayers to Lord Shiva.

On the day of Shivaratri, devotees should, after finishing their morning rituals, observe full day fast and they should also take a second bath in the evening before doing Shiva Puja or visiting the temple. The puja should be done at night and devotees should break the fast only the next day after taking a bath. It is believed that breaking the fast between sunrise and before the end of Chaturdashi Tithi will benefit a person to the maximum.

Sawan Shivratri: Date And Time of Puja

Sawana Shivaratri on Sunday, July 19, 2020


आज सोमवार है शिवाले जाएंगे,

नमः शिवाये हम गाते जाएंगे,

धुप दीप भंग आक धतूरा चांदी थाल सजाके,

गंगा जल से भर के लौटा गौका दूध मिलाके,

नंगे पॉंव चल भोले के मंदिर जाएंगे,

आज सोमवार है शिवाले जाएंगे,

चढ़ाके जल शिव पिंडी को हम तिलक करें चंदन का,

श्रृंगार करें त्रिलोकी के मालिक प्यारे भगवन का,

शिव पिंडी के दर्शन कर हम धन्य हो जाएंगे,

आज सोमवार है शिवाले जाएंगे,

शिव भोले के जो भी सोलह सोमवार व्रत धारे,

सुख सम्पदा लुटाते उसपर हैं शिव भोले प्यारे,

शिव भोले से मन चाहा फल हम भी पाएंगे,

आज सोमवार है शिवाले जाएंगे,

दर तेरे पे आन खड़े हैं मिलके शिव हरिपाल,

तेरे गुण गायें कैसे ना जाने सुर और ताल,

बनी रहे कृपा हम तेरी महिमा गाएंगे,

आज सोमवार है शिवाले जाएंगे

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