Ma Katyayani*6th Goddess of Navratri*क्या है मां कात्यायनी की महिमा
Maa Katyayani
The sixth manifestation of Goddess Durga
worshipped on Navratri Shasti is ‘Katyayani’. The goddess is known as Katyayani
because she was born to Sage Katyayan.
The appearance of Goddess Katyayani is as radiant
as a gold. She can be seen seated on a Lion. Her arms blesses the devotees. Her
one hand is in Abhay Mudra and the second hand is in Varamudra. She holds
weapons in one hand and lotus in the other.
She is worshipped during Navratri celebrations
and is represented by a figure with 18, 10 or 4 hands.
Story of birth of Goddess Katyayani
To destroy demon Mahishasura, Goddess Parvati
took the form of Goddess Katyayani. It was the most violent form of Goddess
Parvati. In this form Goddess Parvati is also known as Warrior Goddess.
Goddess Katyayani took birth in Katyayan’s ashram
to protect the sages and devas from the demons and devils. Sage Katyayana was
the nurturer of the goddess. She took birth in Katyayan’s ashram to protect the
sages and devas from the demons and devils. The wrath of the demon, Mahishasura
was increasing terribly in all the three worlds. In order to kill this demon,
the trinity of Gods – Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, created the Goddess Durga who
was an aggregate of the powers of all the deities.
Sage Katyayana performed a hard penance of
goddess Bhagawati to get goddess Durga born to him in the form of daughter. The
Goddess acceded to his request and was born as the daughter of Sage Katyayana.
Sage Katyayan wished goddess Durga to take birth in his ashram in the form of
his daughter. The goddess acceded to his request and took birth to him on
Dakshin Krishna Chaturdashi. Katyayana worshiped her for three days on Shukla
Saptami, Ashtami and Navami. On the tenth day i.e on Vijayadashami she killed
Mahishasura and gave freedom to all the gods from his atrocities.
The devotee should worship the goddess on the
sixth day with rituals to please her. Her worship done with devotion and faith
leads to the attainment of Dharma, Artha, Karma and Moksha.
Navratri Worship
Goddess Katyayani is worshipped on the sixth day
of Navratri.
Governing Planet
It is believed that the planet Brihaspati is
governed by Goddess Katyayani.
Goddess Katyayani rides on the magnificent lion
and depicted with four hands. Goddess Katyayani carries lotus flower and sword
in her left hands and keeps her right hands in Abhaya and Varada Mudras.
According to religious texts Goddess Parvati was
born at the home of sage Katya and due to which this form of Goddess Parvati is
known as Katyayani.
Favourite Flower
Red color flowers specially rose
ॐ देवी कात्यायन्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Katyayanyai Namah॥
चन्द्रहासोज्ज्वलकरा शार्दूलवरवाहना।
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्याद् देवी दानवघातिनी॥
Chandrahasojjvalakara Shardulavaravahana।
Katyayani Shubham Dadyad Devi Danavaghatini॥
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता।
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Katyayani Rupena
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah॥
वन्दे वाञ्छित मनोरथार्थ चन्द्रार्धकृतशेखराम्।
सिंहारूढा चतुर्भुजा कात्यायनी यशस्विनीम्॥
स्वर्णवर्णा आज्ञाचक्र स्थिताम् षष्ठम दुर्गा त्रिनेत्राम्।
वराभीत करां षगपदधरां कात्यायनसुतां भजामि॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां स्मेरमुखी नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
मञ्जीर, हार, केयूर, किङ्किणि, रत्नकुण्डल मण्डिताम्॥
प्रसन्नवदना पल्लवाधरां कान्त कपोलाम् तुगम् कुचाम्।
कमनीयां लावण्यां त्रिवलीविभूषित निम्न नाभिम्॥
Vande Vanchhita Manorathartha
Simharudha Chaturbhuja Katyayani Yashasvinim॥
Swarnavarna Ajnachakra Sthitam Shashthama Durga
Varabhita Karam Shagapadadharam Katyayanasutam
Patambara Paridhanam Smeramukhi Nanalankara
Manjira, Hara, Keyura, Kinkini, Ratnakundala
Prasannavadana Pallavadharam Kanta Kapolam Tugam
Kamaniyam Lavanyam Trivalivibhushita Nimna Nabhim॥
कञ्चनाभां वराभयं पद्मधरा मुकटोज्जवलां।
स्मेरमुखी शिवपत्नी कात्यायनेसुते नमोऽस्तुते॥
पटाम्बर परिधानां नानालङ्कार भूषिताम्।
सिंहस्थिताम् पद्महस्तां कात्यायनसुते नमोऽस्तुते॥
परमानन्दमयी देवी परब्रह्म परमात्मा।
परमशक्ति, परमभक्ति, कात्यायनसुते नमोऽस्तुते॥
विश्वकर्ती, विश्वभर्ती, विश्वहर्ती, विश्वप्रीता।
विश्वाचिन्ता, विश्वातीता कात्यायनसुते नमोऽस्तुते॥
कां बीजा, कां जपानन्दकां बीज जप तोषिते।
कां कां बीज जपदासक्ताकां कां सन्तुता॥
कांकारहर्षिणीकां धनदाधनमासना।
कां बीज जपकारिणीकां बीज तप मानसा॥
कां कारिणी कां मन्त्रपूजिताकां बीज धारिणी।
कां कीं कूंकै क: ठ: छ: स्वाहारूपिणी॥
Kanchanabha Varabhayam Padmadhara Mukatojjavalam।
Smeramukhi Shivapatni Katyayanesute Namoastute॥
Patambara Paridhanam Nanalankara Bhushitam।
Simhasthitam, Padmahastam Katyayanasute
Paramanandamayi Devi Parabrahma Paramatma।
Paramashakti, Paramabhakti, Katyayanasute
Vishwakarti, Vishwabharti, Vishwaharti,
Vishwachinta, Vishwatita Katyayanasute Namoastute॥
Kam Bija, Kam Japanandakam Bija Japa Toshite।
Kam Kam Bijam Japadasaktakam Kam Santuta॥
Kamkaraharshinikam Dhanadadhanamasana।
Kam Bija Japakarinikam Bija Tapa Manasa॥
Kam Karini Kam Mantrapujitakam Bija Dharini।
Kam Kim Kumkai Kah Thah Chah Swaharupini॥
कात्यायनौमुख पातु कां स्वाहास्वरूपिणी।
ललाटे विजया पातु मालिनी नित्य सुन्दरी॥
कल्याणी हृदयम् पातु जया भगमालिनी॥
Katyayanaumukha Patu Kam Swahaswarupini।
Lalate Vijaya Patu Malini Nitya Sundari॥
Kalyani Hridayam Patu Jaya Bhagamalini॥
जय जय अम्बे जय कात्यायनी। जय जग माता जग की महारानी॥
बैजनाथ स्थान तुम्हारा। वहावर दाती नाम पुकारा॥
कई नाम है कई धाम है। यह स्थान भी तो सुखधाम है॥
हर मन्दिर में ज्योत तुम्हारी। कही योगेश्वरी महिमा
हर जगह उत्सव होते रहते। हर मन्दिर में भगत है कहते॥
कत्यानी रक्षक काया की। ग्रंथि काटे मोह माया की॥
झूठे मोह से छुडाने वाली। अपना नाम जपाने वाली॥
बृहस्पतिवार को पूजा करिए। ध्यान कात्यानी का धरिये॥
हर संकट को दूर करेगी। भंडारे भरपूर करेगी॥
जो भी माँ को भक्त पुकारे। कात्यायनी सब कष्ट निवारे॥
आज शारदीय नवरात्रि का छठा है। यह दिन मां कात्यायनी को समर्पित होता है। महिषासुर का वध करने वाली देवी मां कात्यायनी को महिषासुर मर्दनी के नाम से भी पुकारते हैं। मान्यता है कि मां दुर्गा के इस स्वरूप की पूजा करने से कन्याओं को सुयोग्य वर की प्राप्ति होती है और विवाह में आने वाली बाधाएं दूर हो जाती हैं। मां कात्यायनी का स्वभाव बेहद उदार है और वह भक्त की मनोकामनाएं पूरी करती हैं। ऋषि कात्यायन माता के परम भक्त थे। इनकी तपस्या से खुश होकर ही देवी मां ने इनके घर पुत्री के रुप में होने का वरदान दिया। ऋषि कात्यायन की बेटी होने के कारण मां को कात्यायनी कहा जाता है।
कैसा है मां का स्वरूप-
मां कात्यायनी की चार भुजाएं हैं। एक हाथ में माता के खड्ग तो दूसरे हाथ में कमल का पुष्प पकड़ा है। अन्य दो हाथों से माता वर मुद्रा और अभय मुद्रा में भक्तों को आशीर्वाद दे रही हैं। हिंदू मान्यताओं के अनुसार, मां दुर्गा का यह स्वरूप अत्यंत दयालु और भक्तों की मन की सभी मुरादें पूरी करने वाला है।
कैसे करें मां कात्यायनी की पूजा-
मां कात्यायनी का ‘कंचनाभा वराभयं पद्मधरां मुकटोज्जवलां। स्मेरमुखीं शिवपत्नी कात्यायनी नमोस्तुते’ से जप करने के बाद उन्हें गंगाजल, नारियल, कलश, चावल, रोली, चुन्नी, शहद आदि अर्पित करना चाहिए।
मां कात्यायनी को क्या लगाएं भोग-
नवरात्रि की षष्ठी तिथि के दिन देवी मां को शहद अर्पित करना बेहद शुभ माना जाता है। कहते हैं कि मां कात्यायनी को शहद अतिप्रिय है। इसके साथ ही पान में शहद मिलाकर मां कात्यायनी को भेंट करना बेहद उत्तम माना गया है। कहते हैं कि ऐसा करने से मां भक्त की सभी मुरादें पूरी करती हैं। मां कात्यायनी को मालपुआ का भोग लगाना शुभ माना जाता है।
नवरात्रि के छठवें दिन का शुभ रंग-
नवरात्रि के छठवें दिन लाल रंग के वस्त्र पहनना शुभ माना जाता है। कहते हैं कि लाल वस्त्र पहनने से मां कात्यायनी का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है।
माँ कात्यायनी
माँ का नाम कात्यायनी कैसे पड़ा इसकी भी एक कथा है- कत नामक एक प्रसिद्ध महर्षि थे। उनके पुत्र ऋषि कात्य हुए। इन्हीं कात्य के गोत्र में विश्वप्रसिद्ध महर्षि कात्यायन उत्पन्न हुए थे। इन्होंने भगवती पराम्बा की उपासना करते हुए बहुत वर्षों तक बड़ी कठिन तपस्या की थी। उनकी इच्छा थी माँ भगवती उनके घर पुत्री के रूप में जन्म लें। माँ भगवती ने उनकी यह प्रार्थना स्वीकार कर ली।
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कात्यायनी रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:।।
माँ कात्यायनी माँ दुर्गा का छठा स्वरूप हैं| नवरात्र के छठे दिन आदिशक्ति मां दुर्गा की षष्ठम रूप और असुरों तथा दुष्टों का नाश करनेवाली भगवती की पूजा की जाती है. मार्कण्डये पुराण के अनुसार जब राक्षसराज महिषासुर का अत्याचार बढ़ गया, तब देवताओं के कार्य को सिद्ध करने के लिए देवी मां ने महर्षि कात्यान के तपस्या से प्रसन्न होकर उनके घर पुत्री रूप में जन्म लिया.
शास्त्रों के अनुसार देवी ने कात्यायन ऋषि के घर उनकी पुत्री के रूप में जन्म लिया, इस कारण इनका नाम कात्यायनी पड़ गया। नवरात्र के छठे दिन देवी की पूरे श्रद्धा भाव से पूजा की जाती है। दिव्य रुपा कात्यायनी देवी का शरीर सोने के समाना चमकीला है। चार भुजा धारी माँ कात्यायनी सिंह पर सवार हैं। अपने एक हाथ में तलवार और दूसरे में अपना प्रिय पुष्प कमल लिये हुए हैं। अन्य दो हाथ वरमुद्रा और अभयमुद्रा में हैं। इनका वाहन सिंह हैं। मां कात्यायनी अमोघ फलदायिनी मानी गई हैं। शिक्षा प्राप्ति के क्षेत्र में प्रयासरत भक्तों को माता की अवश्य उपासना करनी चाहिए। मान्यता है कि यदि कोई श्रद्धा भाव से नवरात्र के छठे दिन माता कात्यायनी की पूजा आराधना करता है तो उसे आज्ञा चक्र की प्राप्ति होती है|
Katyayani Stuti is the prayer
addressed to Goddess Katyayani. Kathyayani, daughter of Sage Katyayan, is the
sixth form amongst the Navadurga. Katyayani Stotram was composed and recited by
Pandavas before starting the Mahabharatha war. Below is the lyrics of Pandav
Krit Katyayani with English meaning. Worshiping Goddess Katyayani will help one
to attain victory over all enemies.
Katyayani Stuti Lyrics
1) Kathyayani Tridasa Vanditha
Pada Padme,
Viswodhbhava Sthithi Layaika
Nidhana Roope,
Devi Prachanda Dalini Tripurari
Durge Praseedha Paramarthi
Be pleased with us Oh Kathyayani,
Whose lotus feet is saluted by
thirty three devas
Who is the cause of birth, upkeep
and destruction of the world,
Who is the fierce destroyer and
consort of the destroyer of the three cities,
And who is the destroyer of all
sorrows of the world.
2) Thwam Dushta Daithya
Vinipathakari Sadaiva,
Dushta Mohana Kari Kila Dukha
Thwaam Yo Bhajediha Jaganmayi
Tham Kadhapi,
No Bhadathe Bhavasu
Dukhamachinthya Rope
You always destroy the bad
You entice and charm all bad
You are the reducer of all sorrows,
To those who praise you always,
As the one who is spread in the
entire universe,
And so there are no difficulties
to face,
And no hurdles to cross to your
3) Thwameva Viswa Jananim
Pranipathya Viswam,
Bramha Srujatyavathi,
Vishnurahothi Shambhu,
Kale cha Thaan Srujami Pasi
Vihamsi Matha,
Sthava Leelayaivanahi They Asthi
Janai Vinasa
You are the mother of the
For arising from you, Brahma
creates it,
Vishnu looks after it and Rudra
destroys it,
And you create, give power and
Them along with the wheel of
Since they all are your playful
And you, yourself never ever get
4) Thwam Yai Smrutha
Samaramoordhni Dukha Hanthri,
Thesham Thanuunnahi Viswanthi
Vipaksha Bana,
Thesham Sarasthu Para
Gathra Nimagnapanga,
Prannan Grasanthi Danujendra
Nipatha Karthri
You are being remembered as the
greatest warrior,
And destroyer of sorrows and
those warriors who,
Remember you are not hurt by
arrows of the enemy,
And their own arrows sink in
their enemy and steal their life,
Oh the cause of destruction of
kings of rakshasas.
5) Yasthvan Manum Japathi Ghora
Rane Sudurge,
Pasyanthi Kala Sadrusam Kila Tham
Thwam Yasya Vai Jayakari Khalu
Thasya Vakthradh,
Brahmaksharathmaka Manusthwa
He who meditates on you in fierce
Oh good Durga, are seen as God of
By their enemies and you ensure
To them who continuously chant
the holy letter of your name.
6) Thwam Asrayanthi
Parameshshwari Ye Bhayeshu,
Thesham Bhayam Naahi Bhedhiha Vaa
Thebhyo Bhayadhihasdhoorath Eva
Sthastha Palayana Parascha Disho
Oh Greatest Goddess, those who
seek refuge in you,
Are not bothered by fears for now
and forever,
Of the cunning and crooked in the
As you make the enemies run away
in different directions.
7) Poorvai Surasurena Sura
Samprarthayanna Sura
Ramopi Rakshasa Kulam Nijaghana
Thath Sevana Drutha Ihasthi Jayo
Na Chaiva
In olden days in the war between
devas and asuras,
Indra prayed you for victory and
Rama also prayed you and
destroyed the asuras,
And so we do not expect any
victory without a prayer to you.
8) Thathwam Bhajami Jayadham
Jagadheka Vandhyam,
Viswasrayam Hari Virinchi Susevya
Thwam No Videhi Vijayam Thwadanugrahena,
Shatrunnipathya Samara Vijayam
We pray to you who is the only
Granting victory and who is also
Refuge of the entire universe,
And whose holy feet are
By Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma,
With a request to bless us with
For only with your mercy,
We can attain victory by making
our enemies fall.
कात्यायनी स्तुति:
त्रिजगद्वन्द्ये संग्रामे जयदायिनि।
विजयं देहि कात्यायनि नमोSस्तु
ते ।।1।।
सर्वशक्तिमये दुष्टरिपुनिग्रहकारिणि।
दुष्टजृम्भिणि संग्रामे जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।2।।
परमा शक्ति: सर्वभूतेष्ववस्थिता।
संहर संग्रामे जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।3।।
रणप्रिये रक्तभक्षे मांसभक्षणकारिणि।
प्रपन्नार्तिहरे युद्धे जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।4।।
खट्वांगासिकरे मुण्डमालाद्योतितविग्रहे।
ये त्वां
स्मरन्ति दुर्गेषु तेषां दु:खहरा भव।।5।।
त्वत्पादपंकजाद्दैन्यं नमस्ते शरणप्रिये।
विनाशय रणे शत्रून् जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।6।।
अचिन्त्यचरितेSचिन्त्ये जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।7।।
ये त्वां स्मरन्ति दुर्गेषु देवीं दुर्गविनाशिनीम्।
दुर्गेषु जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।8।।
महिषासृक् प्रिये
संख्ये महिषासुरमर्दिनि।
शरण्ये गिरिकन्ये मे जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।9।।
प्रसन्नवदने चण्डि
देहि शत्रूण्जहि नमोSस्तु ते।।10।।
रक्ताक्षि रक्तदशने रक्तचर्चितगात्रके।
रक्तबीजनिहन्त्री त्वं जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।11।।
निशुम्भशुम्भसंहन्त्रि विश्वकर्त्रि सुरेश्वरि।
जहि शत्रूण् रणे नित्यं जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।12।।
भवान्येतज्जगत्सर्वं त्वं पालयसि सर्वदा।
त्वं हि सर्वगता शक्तिर्दुष्टमर्दनकारिणि।
प्रसीद जगतां मातर्जयं
नमोSस्तु ते।।14।।
दुर्वृत्तवृन्ददमनि सद्वृत्तपरिपालिनि।
रणे शत्रूण्जयं देहि नमोSस्तु ते।।15।।
जगन्मात: प्रपन्नार्तिहरे शिवे।
विजयं देहि भयेभ्य: पाहि सर्वदा।।16।।
।।इति श्रीमहाभागवते महापुराणे श्रीरामकृता कात्यायनिस्तुति: सम्पूर्णा।।
श्री क़ात्यायनी बाणेश्व् र मन्दिर
Shri Katyayani is the Kuladevi
(Kuladevata) (Family Deity) to many Konkani Gaud Saraswat Brahmins, Saraswat
Brahmins, Daivajnya Brahmins and Konkani Kharvis.and some Kharvi subcaste
Katyayani mantra is an effective mantra for those
people whose marriage is delayed due to various reasons. The Katyayani Mantra
for marriage has originated from the Bhagavata Purana. 'Gopis' worshipped Maa
Katyayani in order to get Lord Krishna as a husband.
Girls worship Devi
Katyayani for early marriage and removal of any hurdles in love marriage.
Katyayani Mantra is very
effective in removing all obstacles such as Manglik Dosha or negative
influences of planets in a girl's horoscope. Katyayani Mantra is primarily used
to remove obstacles in love and for a fruitful married life.
Rosary to be used for Chanting Katyayani Mantra
Lal Chandan ki mala
Flowers to be used for Katyayani Mantra
Lal pushp , Lal asan , Lal vastra
Total Number of Recitaion/Japa for Katyayani
Frequency of japa for Katyayani Mantra is
1,25,000 times
Best Time or Muhurta for Chanting Katyayani Mantra
Sukl pakch , Chandramavali , Subh Nakchatra ,
Subh Tithi
Deity of Katyayani Mantra
Devi Katyayani is the deity of Katyayani Mantra.
Devi Katyayani is the sixth form of Nav Durga. The word 'Katyayani' literally
means 'one who is able to remove rigidity and destructive ego'. Devi Katyayani
governs the planet Jupiter (Guru Graha). Devi Katyayani sits on a lion; has
three eyes and four arms. One hand holds a weapon, the other a lotus; the
remaining two hands are for granting wishes.
Benefits of Katyayani Mantra
Katyayani Mantra is beneficial to solve the
problem of delayed marriage. It is believed that Katyayani Mantra has the power
to remove the Kuja or the Mangal Dosha present in the Birth Horoscope. Manglik
Dosha not only delays marriage, but also creates many problems in a happy
married life. Married couples too can benefit from the regular chanting of
Katyayani Mantra to ensure happiness and peace in their married life and to
beget a child soon. Katyayani Mantra, when recited with full faith, helps to
find suitable husband for daughter's marriage. Katyayani Mantra is also very
beneficial for those couples who are in love but are not able to get married
due to various reasons such as parental disapproval.
Vivah Hetu Mantra - Katyayani Mantra for Marriage
ॐ कात्यायनि महामाये महायोगिन्यधीस्वरि ।नन्दगोपसुतं देवि पतिं मे कुरु ते नमः ।।
Katyayani Mahamaye Mahayoginyadhisvari | Nandgopasut Devi Patim Me Kuru Te
Namah ||
Step 1: Get a red colored Chandan
Jaapa Maala to begin with the chanting of this Mantra.
Step 2: Ensure to wear red
clothes, if you can, and offer red flowers to the picture of this goddess. If
you do not have her picture, you can always place red flowers and imagine the
goddess right in front of you.
Step 3: Remember that you need to
chant this Mantra for 1,25,000 times. Since you cannot do it in one go, you can
chant on your Jaapa Maala for 12 days. This would cross the mentioned number.
Step 4: On the last day, make a
wish and visualize a happy wedding with the permission of all those who are
disallowing your marriage. If you are asking for a new partner, visualize a
partner and pretend you have been granted your wish.
Katyayani Puja Mantra
चंद्र हासोज्ज वलकरा शार्दू लवर वाहना |
कात्यायनी शुभं दद्या देवी दानव घातिनि ||
Chandra haasojja walakara shaardu
lavar vahana |
Katyaayanee shubham dadya devi
daanav ghatini ||
According to Hindu Mythology
chanting of Katyayani Mantra regularly is the most powerful way to please
Goddess Katyayani and get her blessing.
Katyayani Mantra
।।ॐ ह्रीं कात्यायन्यै स्वाहा ।। ।। ह्रीं श्रीं कात्यायन्यै स्वाहा ।।
||Om Hring Katyaynyai Swaha || ||
Hring Shring Katyaynyai Swaha ||
कात्यायनि महामाये महायोगिन्यधीश्वरि । नन्द गोपसुतं देविपतिं मे कुरु ते नमः ॥
Katyayani Mahamaye
Mahayoginyadheeshwari ? Nandgopsutam Devipatim Me Kuru te Namah ??
Katyayani Peeth Temple
Katyayani Peeth Vrindavan
otherwise known as uma shakti peeth is one among the 51 Shakti Peethas. It is
said that, the Ringlets of Hair of Maa Sati fell here, when lord Vishnu in
order to relieve lord Shiva from grief of losing his wife Sati, used his ‘Sudarshan
Chakra’ to incise Maa Sati Body. Here the idol of Maa Sati is called as ‘Uma’
and lord Shiva is worshiped as ‘Bhotesh’.
The most significant thing about
this temple is that here five separate deities of the five sects, or
sampradayas are worshipped. Each idol is worshipped by the sampradaya’s
different worship methodology. Also, the Ashtadhatu idol of Goddess Katyayani,
was installed after the performance of Sanatan Dharm rites by religious
scholars or pandits from Varanasi, Bengal,
etc. Along with the goddess Katyayani ,(Shakt sampradaya) other idols installed
are, Lord Shiva (Shaiv sampradaya), Lord Laxmi Naarayan (Vaishnav sampradaya),
Lord Ganesh (Ganpataya sampradaya), Lord Surya (Surya Sampradaya). Along with
these five main deities, Jagatdhatri Devi is also worshipped here.
The Katyayani Peeth temple has
undergone a lot of renovations over the decade, but the main part of the temple
is still intact. From outside the whole temple is made of white marble and huge
pillars support the temple. Pillars are made with black stone and presents a
picturesque view. Just adjacent to the steps that lead to the main courtyard,
two golden colored lions are standing and they represent the vehicle or vahana
of Maa Durga. Devi has got a sword in the temple which is popularly known as
Uchawal chandrahaas.
The main Katyayani temple was
constructed in 1923. The temple was constructed by Yogiraj Swami Keshvanand
Bramachari. Swami Keshavanandji spent about 40 years traversing the snow clad
peaks and dales of the Himalayas meeting the existing
masters under directions of his Guru Shri Lahiri Mahasay. There he had the
vision and direction of the Almighty Mother to proceed to Vrindavan and perform
the most important mission of his life by locating the Peethsthan mentioned in
the Purans.
It is believed that the Ringlets
of Hair of Maa Sati fell at this place. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who was a
famous saint in Mathura was
responsible for reviving the lost quintessence of the Katyayani Peeth temple.
The pooja and the bhog aarti are
performed by Swami Nityananda and his trained priests daily. Priests chant
Durga Shaptsati (Chandi Paath) daily. The Durga poojas are performed by the
Shatchandi Paath, every Navaratra.
The timings for the pooja are 7 am to 11 am and 5.30
pm to 8.00 pm
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