Sunday, November 22, 2020

Kedar Gauri Vrat*केदार गौरी व्रत

 Kedar Gauri Vrat*केदार गौरी व्रत
 Kedar Gauri Vrat*केदार गौरी व्रत


Kedar Gauri Puja Saturday 14th November 2020

Kedar Gauri Vrat Muhurat/Timing:

Kedar Gauri Vrat starts on October 25, 2020 Sunday

Total Kedar Gauri Vrat days = 21 Days

Amavasya Tithi starts= 2:17 PM on 14-November-2020

Amavasya Tithi Ends = 10:36 AM on 15-November-2020

Kedara Gauri Vrat or Kedara Vratham is an important fasting ritual for the devotees of Lord Shiva, generally observed in the Southern states of India, especially in Tamil Nadu. It is observed on the day of Deepavali Amavasya, which coincides with the Lakshmi Puja day during Diwali. Kedareshwara is another name of Lord Shiva.

Some people observe Kedara Gauri Vrat with a long fasting for twenty-one days, which concludes on Deepavali Amavasya. However, many people limit it to a single day fasting observed on Kedar Gauri Vrat day.


In the northern regions of India, Kedara Gauri Vrat is observed on the Amavasya of the ‘Kartik’ month, while in the southern regions in places like Tamilnadu,  Kedareshwar vrat is  21 day long fasting observed  on Ashtami the eighth day of Shukla Paksha in the tamil month of Purattasi and concludes on Amavasya, the main day of Diwali.


The Legend of Kedara Gauri Vrat:

Bhringi Rishi was a great devotee of Lord Shiva but he hated Shakti Devi, as well all women folks. This made Shakti Devi angry and She removed the flesh and energy from the body of sage Bhringi. The removed energy was nothing but the representation of Goddess Gauri herself.


The removed energy wanted to be merged with Lord Shiva’s body. She observed Kedara Vrat to please Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva was highly pleased by the austerities of the removed Shakti that He allowed the removed Shakti to become the left part of His body. This resulted in a composite form of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, which was the famous Ardhanarishvara.


Since the fast was observed by Goddess Gauri Herself to please Lord Shiva, it became known as Kedara Gauri Vrat.

According to Hindu mythologies, the Kedareshwar Vrat was observed by Goddess Parvati. Parvati desired to be an integral part of Lord Shiva and prayed to Rishi Gautama seeking a solution. Rishi Gautama advised her to observe Kedar Vrat for 21 days with sincere piety and devotion. Parvati observed the vrat with great devotion and pleased  Lord Shiva who in turn fulfilled Goddess Parvati’s desire to become a part of him and this form is famously  known as 'Ardhanareeswara'.  From then onwards, this day was observed as Kedar Gowri Vrat as Goddess Parvati who is also known as Gauri, had observed the fast to please Lord Shiva.


Kedara Gowri Vratham Procedure


In Hindu households, the devotees get up early and have a bath before sunrise and pray to Lord Shiva to seek his divine blessings for a  long healthy life,  prosperity and wealth. The puja starts  by installing Lord Kedareswara in a ‘Kalash’  or a pot filled with water. A small decorated  roof is also made as a shelter over the Kalasham. Devotees then take 21 fibres and  make vrata threads with 21 knots. The threads are  then tied around the Kalash and decorated with sandalwood paste, rice, flowers and fruits.

The 16 courtesy worship has to be done for 21 days starting from the Purattaachi Shukla paksha dasami to Aipachi Amarapaksha chaturdashi (Deepavali) or Amaavaasya. On the culmination day (21st) in a clean decorated area devotionally install the kalasham over the grains spread in a banana leaf and offer various food and fruits to the Lord as offering and donate to others.

A silver Kalasha is decorated with turmeric and kumkum. The vessel filled with water has kumkum, turmeric, akshathe coin added to it. The inner rim of Kalasha is decorated with betel leaves. A coconut is smeared with turmeric and kunkum and placed on the mouth of the pot. 
Rangoli is drawn before placing the Kalasha on a plate or tray which has uncooked rice spread on it. The goddess ’arishinadagauri’ is mounted in a plate decorated with flowers, and couple get their ‘Kedaragauridaara’ (a sacred thread with 21 knots). 
This thread is tied after pooja and wife should put it along the  neck with the help of her husband and husband need to tie it on to right hand with the help of their wife. 
As is customary, we first worship the Ganesha idol before start of any other pooja. For Kedara Gowri, we start with Kedara Gowri ashtotthara, offer 21 layered gejje vastra to God , do the ‘Mangalrathri’ and take the blessings of Kedara Gowri.
In this festival all things that are offered should be in the count of 21. The fruits they offer are 5 types of fruits, 21 beetle leaves, 21 beetle nuts should be kept during pooja and so on.
Kedara Gowri Food Menu Items
Kedara Gowri Food Menu Items - The food to be offered to god during pooja are kajjayya(21 deep fried in ghee), Chitra anna , kosmbri , palya and later it can be served as prasadam to family members.


On Kedara Gauri Vrat day, 21 different varieties of sweet offerings are prepared and offered to the Lord. The devotees  who observe this vrat must  invite 21 Brahmins and offer them clothes,  food and money.

Kedar Gauri Vrat


November 2020

Saturday / शनिवार

Kedar Gauri Vrat on Thursday, November 4, 2021
Kedar Gauri Vrat Begins on Friday, October 15, 2021

Lakshmi Puja


November 2002

Monday / सोमवार

Lakshmi Puja


November 2021

Thursday / गुरूवार

The glory of this vratam is very splendid as Shri Gauri devi observed this vratam in full devotion and got to be the half of the body of Lord Shiva !! Vishnu became Lord of Vaikunta by observing this vratam. Brahma got Hamsa vehicle, the guards of the eight directions got rid of the bane they got from Brahma, Bhagyavati and Punyavati got lots of wealth all due to the glory of this vratam. One who observes this vratam with devotion pleases Lord Shiva.

Shri Ardhanarishwara Stotram with meaning ( अर्धनारीश्वर स्तोत्रम )


अर्धनारीश्वर  स्तोत्रम


Shri Ardhanarishwara Stotram


चाम्पेयगौरार्धा  शरीरकायै  कर्पूरगौरार्धा  शररकय  |

धम्मिल्लकायै i च   जटाधराय  नमः  शिवाय i च  नमः  शिवाय  ||


Champeya gowrardha sareerakayai,

Karpoora gourardha sareerakaya,

Dhamillakayai cha jatadaraya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva

To Her whose body shines similar to molten gold,

To Him whose body shines like the burning camphor,

To Her who has a well made up hair,

And to Him who has the matted lock.


कस्तूरिका  कुंकुमचर्चितायै  चितरजःपुंजा  विचर्चिताया  |

कृतस्मरायै  विकृतस्मराय  नमः  शिवायै    नमः  शिवाय  ||


Kasthurika kumkuma charchithayai,

Chitharaja puncha vicharchithayai,

Kruthasmarayai vikrutha smaraya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose body is smeared with musk and saffron,

To Him whose body is smeared with ashes of a burning ghat,

To Her whose prettiness radiates love,

And to Him who destroyed the God of love.


झणत्क्वणत्कंकणा  नूपुरायै  पादब्जराजत्फणिन  उपरया  |

हेमंगदायै  भुजगन  गदया  नमः  शिवायै    नमः  शिवाय  ||


Jhanath kvanath kankana noopurayai,

Padabja Rajat phani noopuraya,

Hemangadhayai bhujagangadhaya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has tinkling pretty anklets,

To Him who has the king of snakes as anklet,

To Her who shines with golden anklets,

And to Him who has snakes as anklets.


विशालनीलोत्पललोचनायै  विकसिपा  नकेरुहलोचनाया  |

समेसनयै  विषमेक्षणाय  नमः  शिवायै    नमः  शिवाय  ||


Visala nilothphala lochanayai,

Vikasi pangeruha lochanaya,

Samekshanayai vishamekshanaya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has eyes as wide as the blue lotus,

To Him who has eyes as wide as a fully opened lotus,

To Her who has even number of eyes,

And to Him who has odd number of eyes.


मन्दरमलाकलितलकायै  कपलमलाङ्कितकन्धराय  |

दिव्याम्बरायै    दिगम्बराय  नमः  शिवायै    नमः  शिवाय  ||


Mandhara mala kalithalakayai,

Kapalamalankitha kandharaya,

Divyambarayai cha Digambaraya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose hair is decorated with divine flowers,

To Him who wears a garland of skulls,

To Her who dresses in great silks,

And to Him wearing the eight directions.


अम्भोधरश्यामलकुन्तलायै   ताती  त्प्रभातंरजा  तधरया  |

निर्लश्वरायै  निखिलेश्वराय  नमः  शिवायै    नमः  शिवाय  ||


Ambhodara syamala kunthalayai,

Thadithprabha thamra jatadharaya,

Nireeswarayai nikhileeswaraya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her who has black hair like the swollen cloud,

To Him who has copper matted locks like lightning,

To Her who is the goddess of the mountains,

And to Him who is the Lord of the universe.


प्रपञ्चसृष्  ट्युन्मुखला  सयकायी  समस्तसा  महारकताण्डवाया  |

जगज्जनन्यै  जगदेकपित्रे  नमः  शिवायै     नमः  शिवाय  ||


Prapancha srushtyun muka lasyakayai,

Samastha samharaka thandavaya,

Jagat jananyai Jagatheka pithre,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her whose dance marks the creation of the world,

To Him whose dance destroys everything,

To Her who is the mother of the universe,

To Him who is the father of the universe.


प्रदीप्तरत्नोज्ज्वलकुण्डलायै स्फुरन्महापन्नगभूषणाय ।

शिवान्वितायै च शिवान्विताय नमः शिवायै च नमः शिवाय ||


Pradeeptha rathnojjwala kundalaayai,

Sphuran mahapannaga bhooshanayai,

Shivanvithaayai cha Shivanvithaya,

Nama Shivayai cha namashivaya.


My salutations to both Parvathi and Shiva,

To Her with glittering earrings of gems,

To Him who wears a great serpent as an ornament,

To Her who is divinely merged with Shiva,

And to Him who is divinely merged with Parvathi.


एतत्पठेदश  तकमीश  तडम  यो  भक्त्या  सा  मान्यो   भुवि  डलरघजलवी  |

प्राप्नोति  सौभाग्यमनन्तकालम  भूयात  सदा  तस्य  समस्तसिद्दिः  ||


Ethath pateth astaka mistatham yo,

Bhakthyaa sa maanyo bhuvi deerghajeevi,

Praapnothi saubhagyam ananthakaalam,

Bhooyaath sadha thasya samastha sidhdhi


Those who chant this Ardhanarishwara Stotram with bhakthi, will be blessed with long respectful life and will be blessed with all they wish to to have in their lifetime.


इत्ति श्री आदिशंकर भगवत्पदा विरचितम अर्धनारीश्वर स्तोत्रम सम्पूरणम् |


Iti Shri Adishankara bhagavatpada virachitam Ardhanarishwara stotram Sampooranam ||


Here ends Sri Adi Shankara bhagavatpada composed Ardhanarishwara stotram


Shri Ardhanarishwara Stotram was composed by Sri Adi Shankara bhagavatpada. Creator and Creation are One ~ Ardhanarishwara, composite of Shiva and Shakti together in one body. This form reminds us that Shiva is beyond gender, yet encompasses both genders. Shiva represents the unmanifest and Shakti the manifest; Shiva the formless and Shakti the formed; Shiva consciousness and Shakti energy, not only in the cosmos as a whole but in each and every individual. Ardhanarishwara form also illustrates how the female principle of God, Shakti, is inseparable from the male principle of God, Shiva. Ardhanarishwara in iconography is depicted as half-male and half-female, split down the middle. `Ardhanarishwara` is a combination of three words `Ardha`, `Nari` and `Ishwara` means `half`, `woman` and `lord` respectively, which when combined means the lord whose half is woman. The Ardhanarishwara represents a constructive and generative power. God is beyond the concept of any sex. God can be male, female, and even neuter too. So god existing in this intrinsic condition is referred as Ardhanarishwara. Shiva and Shakti are one and the same supreme power. One should chant Shri Ardhanarishwara Stotram for a happy and prosperous family life.


शङ्कराचार्य कृतं - अर्धनारीनटेश्वर स्तोत्र॥ Ardhnarishwar stotra


चाम्पेयगौरार्धशरीरकायै कर्पूरगौरार्धशरीरकाय ।

धम्मिल्लकायै च जटाधराय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ १ ॥

अर्थात्–आधे शरीर में चम्पापुष्पों-सी गोरी पार्वतीजी हैं और आधे शरीर में कर्पूर के समान गोरे भगवान शंकरजी सुशोभित हो रहे हैं । भगवान शंकर जटा धारण किये हैं और पार्वतीजी के सुन्दर केशपाश सुशोभित हो रहे हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


कस्तूरिकाकुंकुमचर्चितायै चितारजः पुंजविचर्चिताय ।

कृतस्मरायै विकृतस्मराय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ २ ॥


अर्थात्–पार्वतीजी के शरीर में कस्तूरी और कुंकुम का लेप लगा है और भगवान शंकर के शरीर में चिता-भस्म का पुंज लगा है । पार्वतीजी कामदेव को जिलाने वाली हैं और भगवान शंकर उसे नष्ट करने वाले हैं, ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


चलत्क्वणत्कंकणनूपुरायै पादाब्जराजत्फणीनूपुराय ।

हेमांगदायै भुजगांगदाय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ३ ॥


अर्थात्–भगवती पार्वती के हाथों में कंकण और पैरों में नूपुरों की ध्वनि हो रही है तथा भगवान शंकर के हाथों और पैरों में सर्पों के फुफकार की ध्वनि हो रही है । पार्वतीजी की भुजाओं में बाजूबन्द सुशोभित हो रहे हैं और भगवान शंकर की भुजाओं में सर्प सुशोभित हो रहे हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


विशालनीलोत्पललोचनायै विकासिपंकेरुहलोचनाय ।

समेक्षणायै विषमेक्षणाय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ४ ॥


अर्थात्–पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।

मन्दारमालाकलितालकायै कपालमालांकितकन्धराय ।

दिव्याम्बरायै च दिगम्बराय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ५ ॥


अर्थात्–पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।

अम्भोधरश्यामलकुन्तलायै तडित्प्रभाताम्रजटाधराय ।

निरीश्वरायै निखिलेश्वराय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ६ ॥


अर्थात्–पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


प्रपंचसृष्ट्युन्मुखलास्यकायै समस्तसंहारकताण्डवाय ।

जगज्जनन्यैजगदेकपित्रे नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ७ ॥


अर्थात्–पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


प्रदीप्तरत्नोज्ज्वलकुण्डलायै स्फुरन्महापन्नगभूषणाय ।

शिवान्वितायै च शिवान्विताय नम: शिवायै च नम: शिवाय ॥ ८ ॥


अर्थात्– पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


स्तोत्र पाठ का फल - Ardhnarishwar stotra benefits


एतत् पठेदष्टकमिष्टदं यो भक्त्या स मान्यो भुवि दीर्घजीवी ।

प्राप्नोति सौभाग्यमनन्तकालं भूयात् सदा तस्य समस्तसिद्धि: ॥ ९ ॥


अर्थात्– पार्वतीजी के नेत्र प्रफुल्लित नीले कमल के समान सुन्दर हैं और भगवान शंकर के नेत्र विकसित कमल के समान हैं । पार्वतीजी के दो सुन्दर नेत्र हैं और भगवान शंकर के (सूर्य, चन्द्रमा तथा अग्नि) तीन नेत्र हैं । ऐसी पार्वतीजी और भगवान शंकर को प्रणाम है ।।


॥ इति आदिशंकराचार्य विरचित अर्धनारीनटेश्वरस्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ॥



Arthanāreeswarā temple is an ancient Hindu temple, located in Tiruchengode, in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The temple is dedicated to Arthanāreeswarā, the unique half-male half-female of Lord Shiva. It is perhaps the only temple in Asia where this rare form of the Divine is enshrined as the principal deity. The deity here is also known as Mādhorubāgan and Ammaiyappan (mother-father). The famous Chenkottu Velavar Temple, dedicated to Lord Murugan, is also situated on the same hill.


Another name for the Arthanāreeswara Temple is Thirukodimāda Chenkundrūr (திருக்கொடிமாடச்செங்குன்றூர்).

ArdhaNarishwar Temple Mandi


वाराणसी गौरी केदारेश्वर

मनोवांछित फल पाने के लिए शिवजी के इस मंत्र का जाप करें:
नागेंद्रहाराय त्रिलोचनाय भस्मांग रागाय महेश्वराय| नित्याय शुद्धाय दिगंबराय तस्मे न काराय नम: शिवाय:॥
मंदाकिनी सलिल चंदन चर्चिताय नंदीश्वर प्रमथनाथ महेश्वराय| मंदारपुष्प बहुपुष्प सुपूजिताय तस्मे म काराय नम: शिवाय:॥
शिवाय गौरी वदनाब्जवृंद सूर्याय दक्षाध्वरनाशकाय| श्री नीलकंठाय वृषभद्धजाय तस्मै शि काराय नम: शिवाय:॥
अवन्तिकायां विहितावतारं मुक्तिप्रदानाय च सज्जनानाम्। अकालमृत्यो: परिरक्षणार्थं वन्दे महाकालमहासुरेशम्।।
स्वास्थ्य प्राप्ति के लिए शिवजी के मंत्र इस मंत्र का जाप करना चाहिए:
सौराष्ट्रदेशे विशदेऽतिरम्ये ज्योतिर्मयं चन्द्रकलावतंसम्। भक्तिप्रदानाय कृपावतीर्णं तं सोमनाथं शरणं प्रपद्ये ।।
कावेरिकानर्मदयो: पवित्रे समागमे सज्जनतारणाय। सदैव मान्धातृपुरे वसन्तमोंकारमीशं शिवमेकमीडे।।
शिव जी की पूजा के दौरान इन मंत्रो का जाप करना चाहिए:
पूजा के दौरान इस मंत्र के द्वारा उन्हें स्नान समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ वरुणस्योत्तम्भनमसि वरुणस्य सकम्भ सर्ज्जनीस्थो| वरुणस्य ऋतसदन्यसि वरुणस्य ऋतसदनमसि वरुणस्य ऋतसदनमासीद्||
भगवान शिव की पूजा करते समय इस मंत्र के द्वारा उन्हें यज्ञोपवीत समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ ब्रह्म ज्ज्ञानप्रथमं पुरस्ताद्विसीमतः सुरुचो वेन आवः| स बुध्न्या उपमा अस्य विष्ठाः सतश्च योनिमसतश्च विवः||
इस मंत्र के द्वारा भगवान भोलेनाथ को गंध समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ नमः श्वभ्यः श्वपतिभ्यश्च वो नमो नमो भवाय च रुद्राय च नमः| शर्वाय च पशुपतये च नमो नीलग्रीवाय च शितिकण्ठाय च||
इस मंत्र के द्वारा अर्धनारीश्वर को धूप समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ नमः कपर्दिने च व्युप्त केशाय च नमः सहस्त्राक्षाय च शतधन्वने च| नमो गिरिशयाय च शिपिविष्टाय च नमो मेढुष्टमाय चेषुमते च||
पूजा के दौरान इस मंत्र के द्वारा भगवान शिव को पुष्प समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ नमः पार्याय चावार्याय च नमः प्रतरणाय चोत्तरणाय च| नमस्तीर्थ्याय च कूल्याय च नमः शष्प्याय च फेन्याय च||
इस मंत्र के द्वारा भगवान चन्द्रशेखर को नैवेद्य अर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ नमो ज्येष्ठाय च कनिष्ठाय च नमः पूर्वजाय चापरजाय च| नमो मध्यमाय चापगल्भाय च नमो जघन्याय च बुधन्याय च||
पूजन के दौरान इस मंत्र से भगवान शिव को ताम्बूल पूगीफल समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ इमा रुद्राय तवसे कपर्दिने क्षयद्वीराय प्रभरामहे मतीः| यशा शमशद् द्विपदे चतुष्पदे विश्वं पुष्टं ग्रामे अस्तिमन्ननातुराम्||
भोलेनाथ को इस मंत्र से सुगन्धित तेल समर्पण करना चाहिए...
ॐ नमः कपर्दिने च व्युप्त केशाय च नमः सहस्त्राक्षाय च शतधन्वने च| नमो गिरिशयाय च शिपिविष्टाय च नमो मेढुष्टमाय चेषुमते च||
भगवान भोलेनाथ को इस मंत्र के द्वारा दीप दर्शन कराना चाहिए...
ॐ नमः आराधे चात्रिराय च नमः शीघ्रयाय च शीभ्याय च| नमः ऊर्म्याय चावस्वन्याय च नमो नादेयाय च द्वीप्याय च||
इस मंत्र से भगवान शिवजी को बिल्वपत्र समर्पण करना चाहिए...
दर्शनं बिल्वपत्रस्य स्पर्शनं पापनाशनम्| अघोरपापसंहारं बिल्वपत्रं शिवार्पणम्||


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 निर्वाण षटकम्‌   Nirvana Shatakam  *   श्री   नर्मदाष्टकम Nirvana Shatakam is a wonderful creation by Shankaracharya. Nirvana Shatakam reve...