Thursday, January 21, 2021

श्रीसदाशिवस्तोत्रम् *श्री शङ्कराचार्य कृतं - शिव स्वर्णमाला स्तुति || Shiva Suvarnamala Stuti || Suvarnamalastuti*तारकेश्वर महादेव

 श्रीसदाशिवस्तोत्रम् *श्री शङ्कराचार्य कृतं - शिव स्वर्णमाला स्तुति || Shiva Suvarnamala Stuti || Suvarnamalastuti * तारकेश्वर महादेव

 बाबा भोले नाथ का मंदिर तारकेश्वर धाम।


शिव के तारक मंत्र से होता है उद्धार- तारकेश्वर महादेव
बंगाल के हुगली जिले में हैं तारकेश्वर महादेव- महादेव शिव के देश के प्रसिद्ध मंदिरों में से एक है बंगाल का तारकेश्वर महादेव का मंदिर। कहा जाता है शिव तारक मंत्र देते हैं तभी मनुष्य का उद्धार होता है। न सिर्फ बंगाल में बल्कि दूर दूर तक इस मंदिर की मान्यता है। पश्चिम बंगाल के हुगली जिले के तारकेश्वर शहर में स्थित है बाबा भोले नाथ का मंदिर तारकेश्वर धाम।
 इस प्रसिद्ध तारकेश्वर मंदिर में श्रद्धालुओं की गहरी आस्था है। कहा जाता है कि यहां भक्तजन जो भी मन्नत मांगते हैं उनकी मन्नत पूरी होती है। इस मंदिर का निर्माण साल 1729 में हुआ था। यह बांगला वास्तुकला का सुंदर उदाहरण है। मंदिर के गर्भ गृह के आगे बरामदा बना हुआ है। मंदिर के बगल में एक विशाल सरोवर है। इस सरोवर को दूधपुकुर ( दूध का पोखर) कहते हैं। पूजा के लिए आने वाले श्रद्धआलुओं में से काफी लोग पहले मंदिर में स्नान करते हैं फिर पूजा करते हैं। इस मंदिर का पौराणिक महत्व है इस मंदिर को एक शक्तिपीठ के रूप में पूजा जाता है।
पौराणिक कथा के अनुसार भगवान विष्णु ने तारकेश्‍वर के पश्चिम दिशा की ओर एक कुंड खोदा था और भगवान शिव का शिवलिंग की स्थापना करके उनकी आराधना की थी। ऐसी भी मान्यता है कि तारकेश्‍वर देवी लक्ष्मी का मूल निवास स्थल है। देवी लक्ष्मी यहां देवी सरस्वती के साथ वैष्णवी रूप में भी निवास करती हैं। महादेव तारकेश्वर का मंत्र -  ओम स्त्रों तारकेश्वर रुद्राय ममः दारिद्रय नाशय नाशय फट।।
Taraknath Temple
In Varanasi. On the Scindia ghat is situated the temple of Tarkeshwar Mahadev. Like many many temples of Banaras, this is an ancient Shiva temple and is simple and peaceful.

Taraknath Temple

Pilgrims visit the Taraknath Temple throughout the year, especially on Mondays. Thousands of pilgrims visit Tarakeswar on the occasions of Shravani Mela, on the month of July–August (Srabon in Bengali calendar) and Gajan.

Taraknath is the name which has been given to Lord Shiva and the temple has been dedicated to lord Shiva, who at the temple is revered with the name Taraknath. The temple is one of the well known temples of the state of West Bengal, India and is situated in Tarakeswar city of Hooghly district. It is written in the history that the temple was built by Raja Bharamalla in 1729 AD. The temple enshrines a Shayambhu linga of Lord Shiva.
Atchala is the architecture style of West Bengal and the temple has been built with the same style. In the nearby areas of the temple shrines of Goddess Lakshami Narayan and Goddess Kali is present.
Taraknath Mandir is built in an ‘Atchala’ structure of Bengal temple architecture with a ‘natmandir’ in front. The temple features four roofs above the sanctum sanctorum and extended galleries for the congregation of the devotees.
To the North of the temple is located the Dudhpukur water tank, which is believed to be a holy tank and people in order to get salvation and to get their wishes fulfilled, take dip into the Dudhpukur water tank. The temple has been built in a typical Bengali style with an inner shrine and a balcony in front of the shrine. There’s a marble pathway in the balcony and the balcony having four sides and right in front of the balcony is large hall for devotees to sit and meditate.
The temple is one of the most sought after pilgrimages of India and people come here to get their plethora of wishes fulfilled. They ask from the most benevolent of all the God and Goddesses, Salvation, wealth, Knowledge, various materialistic articles, peace, relief from diseases and many more, which depends on the devotees.
The history of the temple has been linked to 18th century which is considered to be the time when Lord Shiva came in his devotee’s dream and asked him to get the Shiva Linga discovered deep in the forest in the town of Tarlkeswara and also build a temple of Lord Shiva at the site. Later the temple was constructed near the Swayambhu linga which was called as Baba Taraknath.
It’s said that one of the ardent devotees of Lord Shiva named Vishnu Das who travelled all across from Ayodhya to Tarakeshwar. On one particular day his brother found a place in the temple where his cows used to give their milk every day. To his surprise a he discovered a Shiva Linga at the same place and it is believed that he came to know about the Shiva Linga when God himself told him in his dream to find the Linga. And this is how, villages decided to build a temple at the site.
By Road- Tarkeswar is connected to all most all the major cities of West Bengal and so it can be conveniently reached from any of the towns using the road.
By Railway Station –Kamarkundu is the nearest railway station to the temple.
By Air – Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose is the nearest airport and it takes around half an hour to reach the temple.

Morning Puja – 6:00 am to 1:30 pm
Evening Puja - 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Devotees visit the temple particularly on Mondays, which are considered to be the day of Lord Shiva Puja. While on Maha Shivaratri and Gajan, the temple witnesses flock of devotees who queue in large gathering to take a glimpse of their favourite God. Gajan is celebrated in a time span of five days and it gets concluded on the ending day of the Chaitra month while Maha Shivaratri is celebrated in the Phalgun month. In addition to that, during Sravana, Lord Shiva is revered by all his devotees and on all the Mondays of Srawana.
The Shrines of Goddess Lakshmi Narayan and Goddess Kali are two very famous tourist attractions situated close to Taraknath Temple.
Address: Taraknath Mandir Rd, Tarkeshwar, Hooghly District, West Bengal 712410
Phone: 03212 276 417
Devotees call for their wishes by enchanting various mantras one of which is as mentioned:
“Kailaasarana Shiva Chnadramaouli Phaneendra Maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee Kaarunya Sindhu Bhaava Dukhaa Haaree Thujaveena Shambho Maaja Kona Taaree.”
The above Shloka implies that, OH Lord Shiva, you are seated at the Kialasha with the moon decorating your forehead with its light and the serpent king has been crowned over your head, you are so benevolent and you are the only one who can alone help me from getting rid of all the sufferings of life. I devote my life to you.

 तारकेश्वर महादेव जी के आज के दर्शन, जयपुर (राजस्थान)

Panch Mukh Siva

ॐ नमः शिवाय, हर हर महादेव


Sadashiva (Sanskrit: सदाशिव, Sadāśiva, Tamil: சதாசிவம் ), is the Supreme Being Lord Paramashiva in the Mantra marga Siddhanta sect of Shaivism. Sadasiva is the omnipotent, subtle, luminous absolute. The highest manifestation of almighty who is blessing with Anugraha or grace, the fifth of Panchakritya - "Holy five acts" of Shiva. Sadasiva is usually depicted having five faces and ten hands, is also considered as one of the 25 Maheshwara murtams of Lord Shiva. Sivagamas conclude, Shiva Lingam, especially Mukhalingam, is another form of Sadasiva .


The concept and form of Sadasiva initially emerged from South India, although many ancient sculptures of Sadasiva were obtained from various parts of India and South East Asia.


 It is believed that the cult of Sadasiva was widespread in the region of Bengal during the period of Sena dynasty who traced their origin in South India.


 Sadasiva is usually represented in the form of Mukhalingam with the number of faces varying from one to five. The first ever sculpture of Sadasiva as a lingam with five faces was found in Bhita, near Allahabad, and dates to the 2nd century CE.


 His five faces, Ishana, Tatpurusha, Vamadeva, Aghora and Satyojata are known as Panchabrahmas (The five creators), the emanations towards the four directions and upwards from the nishkala (Formless) Parashivam. Kamiga Agamam, the first Agamam of 28 Sivagamas depicts Sadasiva as having five faces and ten arms. His five right hands hold Trishula, Axe, Katvanga, Vajra and Abhaya while his five left hands hold Snake, Matulunga fruit, Nilotpala, Damaru, Rudraksha rosary and Varadam.

The consort of Sadasiva is goddess Gayatri, a form of Parvati often known as Manonmani in Agamic texts.

 She is sometimes depicted having two arms and residing in the lap of Sadasiva.

According to Shaivite texts, the supreme being Parashivam manifests as pentads apart from the well known Trinity of other Hindu sects - Brahma, Visnu and Shiva. His five deeds which are known "Panchakrityas" (holy five acts) are assigned to Panchamurti, his five aspects, viz., Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra, Maheshwara and Sadashiva. Creation, preservation, destruction, delusion and liberation are done by these five manifestations respectively. The five faces of Parashiva emanating these five aspects at whom we could not find any distinctions from himself, are praised as "Panchabrahmas", the five creators or the five realities. The Panchamurtis of Shaivism are absorbed within Shaktism and named as "Panchapreta" (Five bodies).


The five faces of Sadasiva are sometimes identified with Mahadeva, Parvati, Nandi, Bhairava and Sadasiva himself.


The ten arms of Sadasiva represent the ten directions. Another variation of Sadasiva later evolved into another form of Shiva known as Mahasadasiva, in which Shiva is depicted with twenty-five heads with seventy-seven eyes and fifty arms. Given accounts relating to Sadasiva are collected from Kamika Agamam and Vishnudharmottara Purana.






पङ्कजोद्भव प्रपूजिताङ्घ्रि पङ्कजद्वयं

किङ्करिकृतमरोगमप्रमेयमव्ययम् ।

सङ्कटापहं समस्तलोकपालनोत्सुकं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ १॥


आगमान्तचारिणं निकृतमतवारणं

वागतीतमद्वयं विराजवाहनप्रियम् ।

नागभूषणं कुरङ्गधारिणं विरागिनं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ २॥


फालनेत्रदग्धमन्मथ प्रमुग्धविग्रहं

भालस्थिते भानुमौलिमाद्रिराजसायकम् ।

नीललोहितं निशीधिनीश निर्मलाङ्गकं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ३॥


पादयुग्मसार साश्रितद्वयपादपं

नादरूपमद्रिजा घनस्तनप्रमर्दिनम् ।


चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ४॥


देवनिम्नगा तरङ्ग शीखरोल्लसज्जटं

भावनाविधूरगं कपालिनं पिनाकिनम् ।

पावनं पुरातनं पुरात्रयप्रभञ्जनम्

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ५॥


शीतलचलात्मज हृदम्बुज भास्करं

वीतराग योगिवृन्द चिदारङ्गनर्तकम् ।

सारगं सनातनं समाधिकं सदानतं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ६॥


रामनाममन्त्र तत्त्वचिन्तनैकचेतसां

कामनाशनं कृषाणु लोचनं निरञ्जनम् ।

व्योमकेशमीश्वरं भवम्भवाब्धि तारकं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ७॥


बन्धहीन लोकबन्धु मन्दकान्तकं

सिन्दुरास्य बाहुलेय लालनलोलुपम् ।

दण्डिचर्मचेलमीहितार्थधं  सुखास्पदं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ८॥


सत्यचिद्घनं विकल्पहीनमक्शयं परं

नित्यमीश्वरं कृशाणुरेतसं निरागसम् ।

मृत्युभीतिभेदकं मृगेन्दुपुत्रपालकं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ९॥


विष्टपोद्भवस्थिति प्रनाशकारणं शिवं

दुष्टदैत्यसूदनं कपालशूलधारणम् ।

शिष्टपालनं गिरीशमष्टमूर्तिमन्वहं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ १०॥


भूतनायकं विभूतिभूषणं विषाशिनं

पाथगौकनाशनं पवित्रमस्थिमालिनम् ।


चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ ११॥


तारकेश शेखरं तमालनील कन्धरं

तारकस्वरूपकं त्रिवर्गसिद्धिदायकम् ।

तारकारि तोषणैक तत्परं दिगम्बरं

चिन्तयामहे सदाशिवं शिवार्धविग्रहम् ॥ १२॥


स्तोत्रमेतदुत्तमं समस्तसूरिभावितं

गोत्रनन्दिनीपति प्रियङ्करं शिवङ्करम् ।

श्रोत्रसौख्यहेतुकं मुदा सदापि यः पठेद्-

सार्द्रया सुगीत पूतमच्युतं पदं लभेत् ॥ १३॥


इति श्रीसदाशिवस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ।



(Prayer to Sadashiva(ever peaceful God)


(Here is a unique stotra which addresses to the Shiva part of the Body of Lord Shiva)


1.Pankajodbhava prapoojithangri  pankaja dwayam,

Kinkari krutha marogha maprameya mavyayam,

SAnkatapaham samastha loka palanothsukam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha  vigraham,


1,I am meditating on The Shiva half of God Shiva,

Whose lotus like feet are  worshipped  by the God who came from lotus,

Who is the protector of Devas, who cannot be described,

Who is beyond destruction and is greatly interested in protecting   the world.


2.Aagama ntha charinam nikruthamatha varanam,

Vagatheetha madhvayam, viraja vahana priyam,

Naga bhooshanam kuranga dharinam, viraginam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha  vigraham,


2,I am meditating on The Shiva half of God Shiva,

Who moved in Vedas, who killed a fighting elephant in rut,

Who is beyond words, who has no two Who is the friend of Lord Vishnu,

Who wears serpent as ornament. Who wears the moon, and who does not have  emotions.


3.Phala Nethra dagdha manmadha pramugdha vigraham,

Bala seethe bhanu mauli madri raja sayakam,

Neela lohitham  niseedhinisa nirmalangakam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


3, I am meditating on The Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who has an eye  on the forehead, who burnt manmatha, who has a charming look,

Who wears the moon on his head, who lives on the golden mountain, who has a  royal bow,

Who is blue and red in colour, who is the god of night and has very  pure limbs.


4,.Pada yugma sara sasridhatheya  padapam,

Nada roopa madhrija Ghana sthana pramardhinam,

Veda vedyamadhi  deva mugramuksha vahanam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


4,I  am meditating on The Shiva half of God Shiva,

Who is the tree which destroys sorrows of Devas who are  devotees of his two feet,

Who has a foirm of musical note, Who presses the thick breasts of Parvathi,

Who is studied by Vedas, Who is  the primeval God and rides on a  fierce  bull.


5.Deva nimnaga tharanga sheekarollasajjatam,

Bhavana vidhooragam, kapalinam, pinakinam,

Pavanam, purathanam pura thraya prabanjanam

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


5,I am meditating on The  Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who is a  matted hair which is cool  and enthusiastic due to water  of ganges,

Who is far away from our imagibation, Who holds a skull cap and  a bow called Pinaka,

Who is divinely pure, who is ancient and  who destroyed  the three cities.


6.Sheetalachalathmaja hrudambumbuja bhaskaram,

Veetha raga yogi vrundha chitharanga narthakam,

Saragam sanathanam samadhikam, Sadanatham,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


6,I  am meditating on The Shiva half of God Shiva,

Who is the son of the lotus like  mind  of the daughter  of the cool mountain,

Who dances  in the stage of the mind  of several yogis who had forsaken attachments,

Who is the essence, who is without beginning, who is in deep Samadhi and who is prosperous.


7.Rama nama manthra thathwa chinthanaika chethasam,

Kama nasanam, krsanu lochanam, niranjanam,

Vyomakesam eeswaram BHavam, Bhavabdhi tharakam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha  vigraham,


7,I  am meditating on The  Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who is mind is always  thinking about the  essence of name of Rama,

Who destroyed god of love Who has fire as his eye, who is spotless,

Who has sky as his hair, Who is God, Who is Lord  Shiva and who makes us cross  ocean of Samsara.


8.Bandha heena loka bandhu manthakaanthakam,

Sindhuraasya bahuleya lalana lolupam,

Dandhi charma chela meehitharthadham, sukhaspadam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


8,I  am meditating on The Shiva half of God Shiva,

Who does not have attachments, who is the friend of the world, Who is killer of Yama,

Who is interested in caressing lord Subrahmanya and Lord Ganesa,

Who wears the  elephant hide, who fulfills desires   and depends on pleasure.


9.Sathya chithghanam, vikalpa heenam akshayam param,

Nithyameeswaram, krusanurethasam niragasam,

Mruthyu bheethi bhedakam, Mragundu puthra palakam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


9,I  am meditating on The  Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who is the true progression of divinity, who is free from falsehood, who never  fades out and who is the greatest,

Who is the  God who is always,  who  made progeny out of fire, who is innocent,

Who frees  I us from fear of death  anfd who saved the   son of Mrugandu.


10.Vishtapothbava sthithi pranasa karanam shivam,

Dushta daithya soodhanam, Kapala soola dharanam,

Sishta palanam gireesamashtamoorthimanvaham,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


10,I am meditating on The Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who is  the cause of creation, upkeep and destruction, Who is Shiva,

Who destroys evil Rakshasas, Who carries the skull case and the  trident,

Who  looks after disciplined people, who is lord of mountain and who has eight forms.


11.Bhootha nayakam, vibhoothi bhooshanam  vishasinam,

Pathagouka nasanam, pavithramasthi malinam,

Jatha roopa kanthi kamya kesa pasa shobhinam,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham,


11.,I  am meditating on The Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who is the lord of Bhoothas, who uses ash as ornament, Who consumes  poison,

Who  destroys  evil sinners, who is pure, Who wears garland  of bones,

And who shines with hair and rope which are similar to fire.


12.Tharakesa sekaram, thamala Neela kandharam,

Tharaka swaroopakam, trivarga sidhi dhayakam,

Tharakari thoshanaika thathparam, digambaram,

Chinthayamahe Sadashivam Shivardha vigraham


12,I  am meditating on The  Shiva half  of God Shiva,

Who has collected the kind of stars, who has dark blue neck,

Who has the form of one who helps to cross, Who gives us three types of abilities,

Who is interested  in nurturing the enemy of Tharaka and who wears  the sky.


13,Storamedathuthamam samastha soori bhavitham,

Gothra nandini pathi priyankaram,Shivamkaram,

Srothra soukhya hethukam mudha sadhapi ya padeth,

Sathrayi sugeetha poothamachyutham padam labeth.


13, This great prayer, which is recognized all over the universe,

Is very dear to consort of daughter of mountain, would create peace,

Is pleasant to hear and if it is read with happiness,

Would make you get  the feet of  Lord Shiva.


अथ श्री सदाशिव महेन्द्र स्तुतिः ।। Sadashiv Mahendra Stuti.



परतत्त्वलीनमनसे प्रणमद्भवबन्धमोचनायाशु ।

प्रकटितपरतत्त्वाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१॥


परमशिवेन्द्र कराम्बुजसंभूताय प्रणम्रवरदाय ।

पदधूतपंकजाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२॥


विजननदीकुंजगृहे मंजुलपुलिनैकमंजुतरतल्पे ।

शयनं कुर्वाणाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३॥


कामाहिद्विजपतये शमदममुखदिव्यरत्नवारिधये ।

शमनाय मोहविततेः प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥४॥


नमदात्मबोधदात्रे रमते परमात्मतत्त्वसौधाग्रे ।

समबुद्धयेऽश्महेम्नोः प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥५॥


गिलिता विद्याहालाहलहतपुर्यष्टकाय बोधेन ।

मोहांधकाररवये प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥६॥


शममुखषट्कमुमुक्षाविवेकवैराग्यदाननिरताय ।

तरसा नतजनततये प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥७॥


सिद्धांतकल्पवल्लीमुखकृतिकर्त्रे कपालिभाक्तिकृते ।

करतलमुक्तिफलाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥८॥


तृणपङ्कलिप्तवपुषे तृणतोऽप्यधरं जगद्विलोकयते ।

वनमध्यविहरणाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥९॥


निगृहीतहृदय हरये प्रगृहीतात्मस्वरूपरत्राय ।

प्रणताब्धिपूर्णशशिने प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१०॥


अज्ञानतिमिररवये प्रज्ञानांभोधिपूर्णचन्द्राय ।

प्रणताधविपिनशुचये प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥११॥



मतिमलमोचनदक्षप्रत्यग्ब्रह्मैक्यदाननिरताय ।

स्मृतिमात्रतुष्टमनसे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१२॥


निजगुरुपरमशिवेंद्रश्लाधितविज्ञान काष्ठाय ।

निजतत्त्वनिश्चलहृदे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१३॥


प्रविलाप्य जगदशेषं परिशिष्टखंडवस्तुनिरताय ।

आस्यप्राप्तान्नभुजे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१४॥


उपधानीकृतबाहुः परिरब्धविरक्तिरामो यः ।

वसनीकृतखायास्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१५॥


सकलागमान्तसारप्रकटनदक्षाय नम्रपक्षाय ।

सच्चित्सुखरूपाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१६॥


द्राक्षाशिक्षणचतुरव्याहाराय प्रभूतकरुणाय ।

वीक्षापावितजगते प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१७॥


योऽनुत्पन्नविकारो बाहौ म्लेच्छेन छिन्नपतितेऽपि ।

अविदितममतायास्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१८॥


न्यपतन्सुमानि मूर्धनि येनोच्चरितेषु नामसूग्रस्य ।

तस्मै सिद्धवराय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥१९॥


यः पापोनोऽपि लोकान् तरसा प्रकरोति पुण्यः निष्ठाग्र्यान् ।

करुणाम्बुराशयेऽस्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२०॥


सिद्धेश्वराय बुद्धेः शुद्धिप्रदपादपद्मनमनाय ।

बद्धे प्रमोचकाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२१॥



हृद्याय लोकविततेः पद्यावलिदाय जन्ममूकेभ्यः ।

प्रणतेभ्यः पदयुगले प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥ २२॥


जुह्नोपस्थरतानप्याह्वोच्चारेण जातु नैजस्य ।

कुर्वाणाय विरक्तां प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२३॥


कमनीयकवनकर्त्रे शमनीयभयापहारचतुराय ।

तपनीयसद्दशवपुषे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२४॥


तारकविद्यादात्रे तारकपतिगर्व वारकास्याय ।

तारजपप्रवणाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२५॥


मूकोऽपि यत्कृपा चेल्लोकोत्तरकीर्तिराशु जायेत ।

अद्भुतचरितायास्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२६॥


दुर्जनदूराय तरां सज्जनसुलभाय हस्तपात्राय ।

तरुतलनिकेतनाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२७॥


भवसिंधुधारयित्रे भवभक्ताय प्रणम्रवश्याय ।

भवबन्धविरहिताय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२८॥


त्रिविधस्यापि त्यागं वपुषः कर्तुं स्थलत्रये य इव ।

अकरोत्समाधिमस्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥२९॥


कामिनमपि जितहृदयं कूरं शान्तं जडं सुधियम् ।

कुरुते यत्करुणाऽस्मै प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥ ३०॥


वेदस्मृतिस्थविद्वल्लक्षणलक्ष्येषु संदिहानानाम् ।

निश्चयकृते विहर्त्रे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३१॥



बालारुणनिभवपुषे लीलानिर्धूतकामगर्वाय ।

लोलाय चितिपरस्यां प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३२॥


शरणीकृताय सुगुणैणीकृतरक्तपङ्कजाताय ।

धरणीसद्दक्क्षमाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३३॥


प्रणताय यतिवरेण्यैर्गणनाथे नाप्यसाध्यविघ्नहृते ।

गुणदासीकृतजगते प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३४॥


सहमानाय सहस्त्राण्यप्यपराधान्प्रणम्रजनरचितान् ।

सहसैव मोक्षदात्रे प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३५॥


धृतदेहाय नतावलितूणप्रज्ञाप्रदानवाञ्छातः ।

श्रीदक्षिणवकाय प्रणतिं कुर्मः सदाशिवेन्द्राय ॥३६॥


तापत्रयार्तहृदयस्तापत्र त्रयहारदक्षनमनमहम् ।

गुरुवरबोधितमहिमन् शरणं यास्ये तवांध्रिकमलयुगम् ॥ ३७॥


सदात्मनि विलीनहृत्सकलवेदशास्त्रार्थवित् सरित्तटविहारकृत् सकललोकहृत् ।

सदाशिवपदांबुजप्रणतलोकलभ्य प्रभो सदाशिवयतीट्र सदा मयि कृपामपारां कुरु ॥३८॥


पुरा यवनकर्तनस्रवदमन्दरक्तोऽपि यः पुनः पदसरोरुहप्रणतमेनमेनो विधिम् ।

कृपापरवशः पदं पतनवर्जितं प्राप यत्सदाशिवयतीट् स मय्यनवधिं  कृपां सिञ्चतु ॥३९॥


हृषीकहृतचेतसि प्रहृतदेहके रोगकैरनेकवृजिनालये शमदमादिगंधोज्झिते ।

तवांघ्रिपतिते यतौ यतिपते महायोगिराट् सदाशिव कृपां मयि प्रकुरु हेतुशून्यां द्रुतम् ॥४०॥


न चाहमतिचातुरीरचितशब्दसङ्घैः स्तुतिं विधातुमपि च क्षमो न च जपादिकेऽप्यस्ति मे ।

बलं बलवतां वर प्रकुरु हेतुशून्यां विभो सदाशिव कृपां मयि प्रवर योगिनां सत्वरम् ॥४१॥



शब्दार्थविज्ञानयुताहि लोके वसंति लोका बहवः प्रकामम् ।

निष्ठायुता न श्रुतद्दष्टपूर्वाबिना भवंतं यतिराज नूनम् ॥४२॥


स्तोकार्चनप्रीतहृदम्बुजाय पादब्जचूडापररूपधर्त्रे ।

शोकापहर्त्रे तरसा नतानां पाकाय पुण्यस्य नमो वतीश ॥४३॥


नाहं हृषीकाणि विजेतुमीशो नाहं सपर्बाभजनादि कर्तुम् ।

निसर्गया त्वं दययैव पाहि सदाशिवेमं करुणापयोधे ॥४४॥


कृतयाऽनयानतावलिकोटिगतेनातिमन्दबोधेन ।

मुदमेहिनित्यतृप्तप्रवर स्तुत्या सदाशिवायाशु ॥४५॥



इति श्रीमज्जगद्गुरुशृङ्ग गिरि श्रीसच्चिदानंद शिवाभिनव नृसिंहा भारती स्वामिभिर्विरचिता सदाशिवमहेन्द्रस्तुतिः समाप्ता ॥



अथ कथमपि मद्रसनां त्वद्गुणलेशैर्विशोधयामि विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१॥


आखण्डलमदखण्डनपण्डित तण्डुप्रिय चण्डीश विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २॥


इभचर्मांबर शंबररिपुवपुरपहरणोज्जवलनयन विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३॥


ईश गिरीश नरेश परेश महेश बिलेशयभूषण भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥४॥


उमया दिव्यसुमङ्गळविग्रहयालिङ्गितवामाङ्ग विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥५॥


ऊरीकुरु मामज्ञमनाथं दूरीकुरु मे दुरितं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥६॥


ऋषिवरमानसहंस चराचरजननस्थितिकारण भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ७॥


ऋक्षाधीशकिरीट महोक्षारूढ विधृतरुद्राक्ष विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥८॥


लृवर्णद्वन्द्वमवृन्तसुकुसुममिवाङ्घ्रौ तवार्पयामि विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥९॥


एकं सदिति श्रुत्या त्वमेव सदसीत्युपास्महे मृड भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१०॥


ऐक्यं निजभक्तेभ्यो वितरसि विश्वंभरोऽत्र साक्षी भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ११॥


ओमिति तव निर्देष्ट्री मायाऽस्माकं मृडोपकर्त्री भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१२॥


औदास्यं स्फुटयति विषयेषु दिगम्बरता च तवैव विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१३॥


अन्तः करणविशुद्धिं भक्तिं च त्वयि सतीं प्रदेहि विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१४॥


अस्तोपाधिसमस्तव्यस्तै रूपैर्जगन्मयोऽसि विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१५॥


करुणावरुणालय मयि दास उदासस्तवोचितो न हि भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१६॥


खलसहवासं विघटय सतामेव सङ्गमनिशं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ १७॥


गरळं जगदुपकृतये गिलितं भवता समोऽस्ति कोऽत्र विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ १८॥


घनसारगौरगात्र प्रचुरजटाजूटबद्धगङ्ग विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥१९॥


ज्ञप्तिः सर्वशरीरेषवखण्डिता या विभाति सा त्वयि भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २०॥


चपलं मम हृदयकपिं विषयदुचरं दृढं बधान विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२१॥


छाया स्थाणोरपि तव तापं नमतां हरत्यहो शिव भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२२॥


जय कैलासनिवास प्रमथगणाधीश भूसुरार्चित भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २३॥


झणुतकझङ्किणुझणुतत्किटतकशब्दैर्नटसि महानट भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२४॥


ज्ञानं विक्षेपावृतिरहितं कुरु मे गुरुस्त्वमेव विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥२५॥


टङ्कारस्तव धनुषो दलयति हऋदयं द्विषामशनिरिव भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २६॥


ठाकृतिरिव तव माया बहिरन्तः शून्यरूपिणी खलु भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २७॥


डंबरमंबुरुहामपि दलयत्यनघं त्वदङ्घ्रियुगळं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २८॥


ढक्काक्षसूत्रशूलद्रुहिणकरोटीसमुल्लसत्कर भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ २९॥


णाकारगर्भिणी चेच्छुभदा ते शरणगतिर्नृणामिह भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३०॥


तव मन्वतिसञ्जपतः सद्यस्तरति नरो हि भवाब्धिं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३१


थूत्कारस्तस्य मुखे भूयात्ते नाम नास्ति यस्य विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३२॥


दयनीयश्च दयाळुः कोऽस्ति मदन्यस्त्वदन्य इह वद भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३३॥


धर्मस्थापनदक्ष त्र्यक्ष गुरो दक्षयज्ञशिक्षक भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥३४॥


ननु ताडीतोऽसि धनुषा लुब्धधिया त्वं पुरा नरेण विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३५॥


परिमातुं तव मूर्तिं नालमजस्तत्परात्परोऽसि विभो।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३६॥


फलमिह नृतया जनुषस्त्वत्पदसेवा सनातनेश विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३७॥


बलमारोग्यं चायुस्त्वद्गुणरुचितां चिरं प्रदेहि विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३८॥


भगवन भर्ग भयापह भूतपते भूतिभूषिताङ्ग विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ३९॥


महिमा तव नहि माति श्रुतिषु हिमानीधरात्मजाधव भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४०॥


यमनियमादिभिरङ्गैर्यमिनो हृदये भजन्ति स त्वं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४१॥


रज्जावहिरिव शुक्तौ रजतमिव त्वयि जगन्ति भान्ति विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४२॥


लब्ध्वा भवत्प्रसादाच्चक्रं विधुरवति लोकमखिलं भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४३॥


वसुधातद्धरतच्छयरथमौर्वीशरपराकृतासुर भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४४॥


शर्व देव सर्वोत्तम सर्वद दुर्वृत्तगर्वहरण विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४५॥


षड्रिपुषडूर्मिषड्विकारहर सन्मुख षण्मुखजनक विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४६॥


सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्मेत्येतल्लक्षणलक्षित भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४७॥


हाहाहूहूमुखसुरगायकगीतपदानवद्य विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४८॥


ळादिर्न हि प्रयोगस्तदन्तमिह मङ्गळं सदाऽस्तु विभो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥ ४९॥


क्षणमिव दिवसान्नेष्य़ति त्वत्पदसेवाक्षणोत्सुकः शिव भो ।

सांब सदाशिव शंभो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम ॥५०॥


इति श्रीमत्परमहंसपरिव्राजकाचार्यश्रीगोविन्दभगवत्पूज्यपादशिष्यस्य

श्रीशङ्करभगवतः कृतौ सुवर्णमालास्तुतिः संपूर्णा॥


Suvarnamala Stuti Meaning:


1) O Lord, I shall, even though with difficulty, purify my tongue by praising a few of Your noble qualities,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


2) O Lord, Who is an expert in humiliating the pride of Indra (God of Heaven), Who is fond of Tandu (One of the attendants of Lord Shiva, to whom He taught a new style of dancing, named Tandava), and Consort of Chandi (Combined form of Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga; the ferocious form of Goddess Parvati),

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


3) O Lord, Who wears elephant hides as dress, Who is endowed with bright eyes that destroyed the body of the enemy of Shambara (Cupid),

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


4) O Lord, Who is the Lord of the mountain, the Lord of men, and the Supreme Lord who wears serpents as His ornaments,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


5) O Lord, Whose left limbs are in the pose of embracing Uma (Parvati), the divinely auspicious form,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


6) O Lord! Please accept me, the dullard and orphan, as Yours and drive away my sufferings,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


7) O Lord, Who dwells in the minds of great seers, Who is the cause of creation, sustenance and dissolution of all beings,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


8) O Lord, Who wears crescent moon as a jewel on the crown of His matted locks, Who has a bull as His mount, and Who wears the garland of Rudraksha beads,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


9) O Lord, I offer at Your feet, my two eyes as an offering of flowers,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


10) O Gracious Lord, I worship You alone as You are ever existent,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


11) O Lord, You bestow on Your devotees Oneness with You, You sustain this Universe, and You are the witness (consciousness) in everyone,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


12) O Lord, the Pranava (Omkara) which is an indicator of You and which is beyond transcending Maya, is helpful in my understanding of You, O the compassionate One!

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


13) O Lord, the fact that You do not have any dress (have directions as Your clothes) only discloses Your detachment to the things of the world,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


14) O Lord, may Your consort (Sati) bestow on me purity of mind and steadfast devotion to You,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


15) O Lord, You are in the form of this vast Universe both collectively and individually without even any adventitious condition,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


16) O Lord, You are the ocean of Compassion, and to You it is not proper to be indifferent to me who is Your slave,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


17) O Lord, please keep me away from the company of the wicked, and enable me to associate myself only with the good souls,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


18) O Lord, who is here equal to You Who drank the poison to protect the world from being destroyed?

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


19) O Lord, Whose body is white like camphor, and Who has fastened the river Ganga in His massive hair-locks,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


20) O Lord, You are the one unitary knowledge which shines in all bodies,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


21) O Lord, bind fast my fickle mind which is like a monkey hopping in the tree of worldly pleasures,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


22) O Lord, the shadow of Shanu (fossilized tree trunk) removes the worldly sorrow of those who bow to You,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


23) O Lord, Victory to You Who lives in Kailasha, Who is the Lord of Pramathaganas (attendants), and the One Who is worshipped by Brahmins,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


24) O Lord, You are the great dancer who dances making the sounds “jhanu, taka, jhankinu, jhanu, tatkita, taka”,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


25) O Lord, You alone are my Preceptor. Please give me that knowledge which is free from projection of the false and concealment of the truth,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


26) O Lord, the sound of the bow of Your Trident (Trisul), which is like the thunderbolt, breaks the heart of Your enemies,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


27) O Lord, Your Maya (illusion) is like a cypher, empty both in and out,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


28) O Lord, Your pure pair of feet excels the fame of the red lotus,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


29) O Lord, Who holds the tiny drum, the Garland of rosary, the Trident and Brahmakapala in Your hands,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


30) O Lord, if the arrows of Yours is not discharged and kept only in “na” shaped quiver, it is only for the good of the people,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


31) O Lord, the man who chants Your mantra, at once, crosses the ocean of worldly existence,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


32) O Lord, disgust upon him who does not utter Your name,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


34) O Lord, who is there other than me who is a supplicant? And, who is there other than You who is compassionate? Please tell me.

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


35) O Lord, Who has the power and efficacy to sustain Dharma, Who has three eyes, Who is the Guru, and Who is the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


36) O Lord, You were struck, in days of Yore, by a man (Arjuna) out of greed with his bow,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


37) O Lord, neither Brahma nor Vishnu is able to measure Your form, You are far beyond Their reach,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


38) O Eternal Lord, service to Your feet is the reward of human birth,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


39) O Lord, please give me long-lasting strength, health and long life, and a mind attracted to Your great qualities,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


40) O Lord Bharga (Sun), You are the destroyer of sins and remover of fear, the Lord of Bhuta-Ganas (Shiva’s attendants), and Your limbs are smeared with holy ashes,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


41) O Lord, the Consort of Parvati (the daughter of Himalaya), Your greatness has not been measured by the Vedas,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


42) O Lord, You are meditated upon by the Yogis in their minds by following the Yogic methods of yama and niyama,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


44) O Lord, as serpent appears in the place of a rope, and as silver appears in the place of a shell, the world merely appears as an entity in You (the world is only an appearance (illusion), the ultimate reality being Brahman),

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


45) O Lord, by Your grace alone, Lord Vishnu obtained the discus (chakra) to protect the world,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


46) O Lord, having had the Earth, Adishesha, and Vishnu serve as chariot, bow and arrow respectively, You have defeated the demons,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


47) O Lord, Who is the destroyer, the foremost among the Gods, and all-bestowing, please destroy the pride of those with evil character,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


48) O Lord, Who removes the six enemies (desire, anger, greed, lust, pride & jealousy) , the six waves of sensations (thirst, hunger, grief, infatuation, old age & death) and the six changes of life (existence, birth, growth, maturity, decay & death), Who is the father of six-faced Kartikeya (Subrahmanya), and Whose essence is eternity,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


49) O Lord, Who is Brahman characterized by truth, knowledge, and infinity,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


50) O the blemishless Lord, Whose greatness is praised in songs by Ghandharvas headed by Haha and Huhu,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


There is no usage in language of a word beginning with ‘la’, but the word ending in ‘la’ viz. mangala (auspiciousness) be for all.

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


O Lord, may the person who is anxious to worship Your feet spends many days as a moment,

O the Eternally Auspicious God, the Consort of Parvati, the ever peaceful One, and the Source of all happiness, Your pair of feet is my refuge.


Thus ends the hymn ‘Golden-Garland’ composed by Adi Shankaracharya.






Swarna malya stotram


श्री शङ्कराचार्य कृतं – शिव स्वर्णमाला स्तुति। ( Shiv Swarnamala Stuti Lyrics )


साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

ईशगिरीश नरेश परेश महेश बिलेशय भूषण भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

उमया दिव्य सुमङ्गल विग्रह यालिङ्गित वामाङ्ग विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

ऊरी कुरु मामज्ञमनाथं दूरी कुरु मे दुरितं भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

ॠषिवर मानस हंस चराचर जनन स्थिति लय कारण भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

अन्तः करण विशुद्धिं भक्तिं च त्वयि सतीं प्रदेहि विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

करुणा वरुणा लय मयिदास उदासस्तवोचितो न हि भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

जय कैलास निवास प्रमाथ गणाधीश भू सुरार्चित भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

झनुतक झङ्किणु झनुतत्किट तक शब्दैर्नटसि महानट भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

धर्मस्थापन दक्ष त्र्यक्ष गुरो दक्ष यज्ञशिक्षक भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

बलमारोग्यं चायुस्त्वद्गुण रुचितं चिरं प्रदेहि विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

शर्व देव सर्वोत्तम सर्वद दुर्वृत्त गर्वहरण विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

भगवन् भर्ग भयापह भूत पते भूतिभूषिताङ्ग विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

षड्रिपु षडूर्मि षड्विकार हर सन्मुख षण्मुख जनक विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

सत्यं ज्ञानमनन्तं ब्रह्मे त्येल्लक्षण लक्षित भो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥

हाऽहाऽहूऽहू मुख सुरगायक गीता पदान पद्य विभो।

साम्ब सदाशिव शम्भो शङ्कर शरणं मे तव चरणयुगम्॥


1.Isha , Girisha , naresha, paresha , Mahesha , bhileshaya bhooshana bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God, Oh Lord of the mountain, Oh Lord of the men ,

Oh greatest God , Oh God of the divine ,

Oh God who wears serpents as ornaments..


2.Umaya divya sumangala vigraha valingitha vamanga vibho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God who is hugged by the very auspicious divine Parvathi,

Who occupies the left side of your body.


3.Uri Kuru mama ajnam anadham , duri kuru , may duritham bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Accept the ignorance of this orphan, and drive away my sufferings.


4.Rishi vara manasa hamsa, chara chara janana sthithi , laya karana bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God who is the swan of the minds of blessed sages,

And who is the cause of birth , upkeep and death of all beings.


4.Antha karana vishudhim bhakthim , cha thwayi sathim pradehi vibho

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Your consort Sathi will grant us purity of mind and devotion towards you.


5.Karuna varunalaya mayi dasa udhasasthavochitho na hi bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh ocean of mercy , to you it is not proper to be indifferent to me who is your slave.


6.Jaya Kailasa nivasa , pramatha ganadhisha bhoo sura architha bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Victory to one who lives on Kailasa, the Lord of Pramadhas,

And the one who is worshipped by Brahmins.


7.Janutha kaja kingkinu jhanuthat shabdhair natasi maha nata bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh Great dancer who dances making sounds like Janu , kaja, kinkini jhanu.


8.Dharma sthapana Daksha trayaksha guro Daksha yajna shikshaka bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh teacher who installs Dharma , who has three eyes,

And who punished Daksha during the fire sacrifice.


8.Balam aarogyam cha ayus twad ruchithaam chiram pradehi prabho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Please give me for a long time to come, strength, health and long life,

And mind attracted to your great qualities, Oh Lord.


9.Bhagawan , BHarga bhayapaha bhuta pathe, bhoothi bhooshithanga vibho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God, Oh destroyer of sins, Oh remover of fear,

Oh God who coats all his body with sacred ash.


10.Sarva deva sarvothama, sarvada durvrutha harana prabho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God who destroys , Oh the greatest among all,

Please destroy the pride of those with bad character.


11.Shad ripu , shadoorumi, shad vikara hara, San mukha Shanmukha janaka vibho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh destroyer of six enemies*, six anxieties** and six changes***,‘

Oh God with good face , Oh God who is father of Subrahmanya.

*Desire , anger , greed , lust , pride and jealousy

**Thirst, hunger, grief , infatuation , old age and death

***Existence, birth, growth , maturity, decay and death


12.Sathyam jnanam , anantham , brahme thyalla lakshana lakshitha bho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Oh God who is Brahman characterized by truth , consciousness and endlessness


13. Haha hoohoo mukha sura gayaka gitapadana padya vibho,

Samba Sadashiva Shambho Sankara sharanam may thava charanayugam,


Oh God with Parvathi , Oh ever peaceful one , Oh Source of happiness,

Oh God who is the refuge , I surrender to the pair of your feet,

Whose greatness is praised by celestial singers Haha and Hoohoo

Ithi Sri Shankaracharya krutha swarnamalya Sthuthi.

Thus ends the prayer of golden garland written by Aadhi Shankara.


श्री शङ्कराचार्य कृतं - शिव स्वर्णमाला स्तुति || Shiva Suvarnamala Stuti || Suvarnamalastuti

A Damarukam or damru is a small drum, which is shaped like an hourglass. It is popularly known as the drum of God Shiva.

It is believed that, the sound has originated from Shiva's damru.

It is believed that, a great Sanskrit Grammarian named Panini, composed the Maheshwara Sutra and created the basic rules of Sanskrit Grammar, after he saw Shiva in a vision dancing in front of him and listened to the sounds Shiva made with His Damaru.

Shiva is believed to be the progenitor of all sounds, languages. Music and vibrations in this Universe.

The two triangles in the Damaru represent the Purusha( Shiva) and Prakrithi ( nature ) and their Union, which results in creation(srushti), movement (chaitanyam), speech(vac) and sounds (shabda). 

Shiva is called the Damarudhari, the bearer of the Damaru.

The Shiva Sutras (IAST: Śivasūtrāṇi) or Māheśvara Sūtrāṇi are fourteen verses that organize the phonemes of Sanskrit as referred to in the Aṣṭādhyāyī of Pāṇini, the foundational text of Sanskrit grammar.

Within the tradition they are known as the Akṣarasamāmnāya, "recitation of phonemes," but they are popularly known as the Shiva Sutras because they are said to have been revealed to Pāṇini by Lord Shiva. They were either composed by Pāṇini to accompany his Aṣṭādhyāyī or predate him. The latter is less plausible, but the practice of encoding complex rules in short, mnemonic verses is typical of the sutra style.



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निर्वाण षटकम्‌ * Nirvana Shatakam * श्री नर्मदाष्टकम

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